My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Romeo & Juliet by William Shakespeare is one of my favorite plays. (Actually, anything by Shakespeare is one of my favorites!) But while the Bard's version has the couple's families fighting, Anna Mara's version, entitled "Why Romeo Hates Juliet" (my italics), it's the couple who do all the fighting.
And they don't play well with others. Between Juliet and Romeo, there are fights, accidents, property damage, black eyes, twin arrests (his for drugs - which did not belong to him - and hers for assault). These two are dangerous for and to each other. Juliet tries to 'teach him a lesson' and winds up super-glued to Romeo, necessitating a hospital visit. And that's just the first 48, y'all.
The characters certainly change and grow during the course of the book, each of them separately as well as in relation to each other. While the individual growth takes them to a better place ... their change as a couple threatens to be the death (literally) of both of them. Petty back and forth revenge ploys turn into an immense conflagration later on.
Sarah (Juliet's sister) needed to step up her "Cher Moonstruck" treatment of the two of them, slap them both upside the head and tell them to 'Snap out of it!'
I'm not the biggest fan of 'high heat/spice' romances, but was grateful Ms. Mara kept things classy. Make no mistake, the descriptions were detailed, (I might have tugged at my collar once - or twice), she did not use crass colloquialisms for certain bits and pieces of human anatomy.
Overall, I did enjoy the story. There were a few surprises, which is always nice. And I did catch myself carrying my e-reader into the kitchen while I fixed lunch. The name "Why Romeo Hates Juliet" was definitely an attraction to me, but the book lived up to the promise and was quite enjoyable. I would both recommend this book to others and be open to read more of the author's work.
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(Disclaimer: I 'purchased' this copy for free at Amazon, having received an email from deal-notification service such as Bookbub, BookRiot, eBookSoda, Freebooksy, Robin's Reads, etc. I was under no obligation to review.)
This book helps me fulfill the following 2019 read-a-thons and reading challenges:
#WintersRespite Read-a-thon
You Read How Many Books? RC
52 Books in 52 Weeks RC (beach read)
GoodReads RC
PWOW RC (friends section - #10 - strong family bonds);
Reading Women RC (#18 - romance or love story)
Literary Escapes RC (PEI)
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