Saturday, December 27, 2014

2015 Netgalley Reading Challenge


The Netgalley Reading Challenge is hosted by Ariel at Fictively.  Click on the button above to go to the challenge sign-ups!

I'm entering at the lowest level, and hoping to be able to move up during the year.  This should mean it's all over but the actual reading and reviews, because I know there are at least 5-10 galleys waiting on my bookshelf there. *yikes* :O)

So, if you haven't gotten ebooks from Netgalley, before, head on over and sign up!  You can thank (or curse) me later. ;)


1.  Death of a Dishonorable Gentleman by Tessa Arlen
2.  MacDeath by Cindy Brown

1 comment:

  1. So, my linky died. Could you re-add yourself when you get the chance to the new linkup?

