Saturday, December 27, 2014

2015 Fur and Fangs Reading Challenge

The 2015 Fur & Fangs Reading Challenge is hosted by Jessi at NOVEL Heartbeat and Reanna at Phantasmic Reads and features your own goal of how many books to read with vampires or werewolves (or other shapeshifting animal types) as MC's.  Click on the beautiful button at the top of the post to be taken to the sign-up page!

I can't believe I didn't read that many books with supernatural characters this year, but in 2014 I just got back to reading for myself (rather than school, work or kids) and did a lot of book tours ... and I loved every minute of it.

Back in the day when all internet was dial-up and the total visual experience was green or amber words on a black screen (yes, kiddoes, that's no graphics, no video), I played a vampire in an online RPG and my husband-to-be played a shaman on the same game.  That was 1992.

And I know there are quite a number of supernaturally-inhabited reads on my shelves and ereader, so here I am! :O)  I'm going to start with a self-challenge of 5 books, and move up during the year, as time and whatnot permit, also in increments of 5.


1.  (to be added)


  1. Good luck with all of your challenges! They all sound like fun.
