Sunday, December 31, 2017

My 2018 Mommy Manegren 52 Books in 52 Weeks RC Sign-up

I tried several graphics resizer sites and couldn't get it to be as big as I wanted without the categories blurring out of readability.  Ugh.  Anyway, click on that little button up there to go to the sign-up page for this reading challenge, and to find out any details.  On to the readable categories!

  • a book by a Canadian author
  • a childhood favorite
  • a novel that is considered a 'classic'
  • a mystery novel
  • a book you've been meaning to read but haven't gotten to
  • a science fiction novel
  • an adventure / espionage novel
    • White Hell by Remington Kane (read 1/1/2018; reviewed 1/2/2018; edited to update on 1/1/2018 at 2354 hrs)
  • a biography
  • a book that challenges your viewpoint
  • the first book in a trilogy
  • a book over 600 pages
  • a book you can read in a day
    • Above and Beyond by Kathryn Shay (read 1/1/2018; reviewed 1/2/2018; edited to update 1/2/2018)
  • a that has won the Pulitzer Prize - any year
  • any book from the 2017 GoodReads choice awards
  • a book that has been made into a movie
  • a book chosen solely by its cover
  • a book on theology
  • a celebrity memoir
  • a book with a six-word title
  • a book set in a country you want to visit
  • a book that makes you laugh out loud
  • a book you read in school
  • a book with a green spine
  • a book with a character that shares your name
  • a book published in 2018
  • a book recommended by a friend
  • a book recommended by a librarian
  • a book written by an author under 30
  • a book written before 1920
  • a book that makes you cry
  • an e-book
  • a book with bad reviews
  • a YA bestseller
  • a book set in Africa
  • a book by Agatha Christie
  • a historical non-fiction book
  • a book that inspires you
    • The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo  This will be my first book read for the year. **edited to add on Sunday, 31 December, 2017 at 2235 hrs** (read 1/1/18; reviewed 1/2/18; edited to update 1/1/18 2239 hrs)
  • a short story
  • a book that has been on the NYT bestseller list for at least 10 weeks
  • a political book (fiction or non-fiction)
  • a book by a Scandinavian author
  • a book with non-human characters
  • a book about a topic you're passionate about - (social in/justice)
    • Where Do I Go by Beverly Magid (read 1-6-2018 through 1-7, 2018, review composed 1/8/2018, review to publish 1-29-2018; edited to add 1-8-2018 1425 hrs)
  • a book set in the Middle East
  • a book already in your bookshelf
  • a book that was once banned
  • a book originally published in the year you were born
  • a book about travel
  • a foreign book translated into English
  • a book with the letter "Y" somewhere in the title
  • a book with food on the cover
  • a book about a current world issue
That's 13 categories planned.  Three months worth of reads.  I'm calling it good for now. :O)

My 2018 The Daily Positive Winter Reading Challenge Sign-up

 Click here to go to the sign-up!

  • A book that's a popular fairy tale
  • An award-winning book
  • A book that's based on a true story
  • A book that was your favorite from school
  • A book with a setting that's in your home state
  • A book recommended by someone who favors a different genre
  • A self-help book
  • A book of poetry
  • A book with a female heroine
  • A classic book
  • A series of books
  • A murder mystery
  • A biography
  • A book that's been made into a movie
  • A memoir
  • Your favorite book
    • The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
  • A book from your childhood you never finished
  • A book based on a historical event
  • A book that made you cry
  • A book with a title that catches your eye
  • A book about a topic that interests but also intimidates you
  • A book about business or finances
  • A play
  • A book you can get for free

Once I've weeded out some of my massively gargantuan TBR stack, maybe titles will jump out at me to fill the rest of the categories.  (That's what I'm hoping anyway.)

Click on the button at the top to go to the sign-up page. Links go to GoodReads until after I've read and reviewed each book. 

Have you read any of the books I've listed?  Do you have any suggestions for the empty categories?

Saturday, December 30, 2017

My 2018 Pop Sugar Reading Challenge Sign-Up

  • A book made into a movie you’ve already seen 
  • True crime 
  • The next book in a series you started 
    • Fatal Fairies (Renaissance Fair Mysteries #8) by Joyce and Jim Lavene
  • A book involving a heist 
  • Nordic noir 
  • A novel based on a real person 
  • A book set in a country that fascinates you 
    • Highland Burn (Guardians of Scotland #1) by Victoria Zak
  • A book with a time of day in the title 
  • A book about a villain or anti-hero 
  • A book about death or grief 
  • A book with a female author who uses a male pseudonym 
  • A book with an LGBTQ+protagonist 
  • A book that is also a stage play or musical 
  • A book by an author of a different ethnicity than you 
  • A book about feminism 

  • A book about mental health 
  • A book you borrowed or that was given to you as a gift 
  • A book by two authors 
  • A book about or involving a sport 
  • A book by a local author 
  • A book with your favorite color in the title 
  • A book with alliteration in the title 
  • A book about time travel 
  • A book with a weather element in the title 
  • A book set at sea 
  • A book with an animal in the title 
  • A book set on a different planet 
  • A book with song lyrics in the title 
  • A book about or set on Halloween 
  • A book with characters who are twins
    • Above and Beyond by Kathryn Shay (read 1/1/2018; reviewed 1/2/2018; edited to add 1/2/2018 1111 hrs) 
  • A book mentioned in another book 
  • A book from a celebrity book club 
  • A childhood classic you’ve never read 
  • A book that’s published in 2018 
  • A past Goodreads Choice Awards winner 
  • A book set in the decade you were born 
  • A book you meant to read in 2017 but didn’t get to 
  • A book with an ugly cover 
  • A book that involves a bookstore or library 
  • Your favorite prompt from the 2015, 2016, or 2017 POPSUGAR Reading Challenges


  • A bestseller from the year you graduated high school 
  • A cyberpunk book
  • A book that was being read by a stranger in a public place
  • A book tied to your ancestry
  • A book with a fruit or vegetable in the title
  • An allegory
  • A book by an author with the same first or last name as you
  • A microhistory
  • A book about a problem facing society today
  • A book recommended by some one else taking the POP SUGAR Reading Challenge

Trying to fill the slots from my backlist, so it's happening a little at a time.  Links go to GoodReads now, will change to my review (on this blog) once that is done.

Friday, December 29, 2017

My 2018 Strictly Print Reading Challenge

The Strictly Print Reading Challenge is hosted at the Book Dragon's Lair blog.  The hostess has a lot on her plate this year, so there wasn't a button available, so...I made my own with Canva.  If you click on that button, you will go to the sign-up page and can get full details of the challenge there.

Here are the levels:

  • Board Books: 12  (New level)
  • Picture Books: 26  (New level)
  • Chapter Books: 52
  • Middle Grade: 78
  • Teen: 104 
  • Young Adult: 156
  • Adult: 208 or more 
I usually pick up at least twelve  print books (or 'book books' as we call them in our house), during the year, so I'll be going for the "Board Books" level of 12 print books.  Always room to move up in case I inherit a library or something like that! :p

There is a hashtag #StrictlyPrintRC for use in social media.

1. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo (read/reviewed 1 January 2018) [edited to update 1/1/18 2235 hrs)

The Langsford Series by AE Wasserman - #bookblast #giveaway

1884 No Boundaries: A Story of Espionage, and International Intrigue by A.E. Wasserman

Publication Date: April 29, 2015
Archway Publishing
Hardcover, Paperback, and eBook; 382 Pages
Series: Langford Series, Book #1
Genre: Historical Fiction

Love, murder, sex, and terrorism swirl within a collapsed world economy. No, it's not today. It's London, 1884. Recently married Langsford, born of wealth and privilege, is bound by the restrictions of Victorian society. Dynamite has been invented, but the term "homosexuality" has not and men can be arrested for either. Langsford accompanies his visiting friend, HEINRICH, eighteen, who innocently flirts with young ANNA at London's Leadenhall Market. What should be the end of the story becomes the beginning, for Heinrich falls in love with her, never part of the plan. Instead it becomes the catalyst for everything that follows when he flees Germany to return to her. Events unfold that expose terrorists, espionage and international intrigue.

Langsford walks a fine line as he crosses boundaries he never imagined, rubbing elbows with spies, killers and would-be assassins to save his friend, stop an assassination, and prevent a war.

“Wasserman’s writing is atmospherically rich. Very strongly recommended.” – Historical Novel Society, London, critical review of 1884 No Boundaries

Amazon | Barnes & Noble


1886 Ties That Bind: A Story of Politics, Graft, and Greed by A.E. Wasserman

Publication Date: November 3, 2016
Archway Publishing
Hardcover, Paperback, and eBook; 320 Pages
Series: Langford Series, Book #2
Genre: Historical Fiction

It is 1886 as Englishman Lord Langsford travels by train to San Francisco. Newly widowed, Langsford is desperate to escape his grief, demons, and life in England. As Langsford completes the last leg of his transcontinental journey, his life unexpectedly changes once again when he crosses paths with Miss Sally Baxter, a beautiful rancher who packs a pistol in her purse. Sally has made it her mission to find the men who robbed a train and killed her brother. Unfortunately, no one—not even the owners of the Southern Pacific Railroad—seem to care. Unable to resist her pleas, Langsford offers to help Sally and soon becomes entangled in a web of politics, corruption, and greed. As murder, threats, and attacks ensue that endanger both Sally and Langsford, influential men in both California and Washington, D.C. jockey for positions of power. Langsford, who finds himself oddly attracted to Sally, now must sort through criminals and politicians alike to discover the truth behind her brother’s death and prevent his own murder.

"The author has woven a complex net of intrigue and background to the murder that makes the entire book so much more than just a mystery. As the title appropriately states, this deals with issues of politics, corruption and greed in a very accomplished way. One of the best books I’ve read in a long time. Highly recommended." - Christoph Fischer, UK Reviewer Discovering Diamonds

Amazon | Barnes and Noble


1885: Crossings by A.E. Wasserman

Publication Date: October 5, 2017
Archway Publishing
Hardcover, Paperback, and eBook; 142 Pages
Series: Langford Series, Book #3
Genre: Historical Fiction

Anna’s hand holding the letter trembled as her vision rocked, going in and out of focus. She felt as though she was falling backward and at the same time rolling forward, expecting to land face first on the floor. She put her hand on the table to brace herself. She no longer heard the song birds in the buckeye tree outside the window, or the hoof beats on the cobblestones passing the front door, or any sound at all. The world around her ceased to exist—only the paper with Henry’s written words: his own account of what happened during the past year. The entire time, she’d known he wasn’t telling her everything—but this—she could never have imagined any of it. The hard fact was, Henry will never escape the truth.

“1885 Crossings gives us another opportunity to return to the world of Henry, Anna, and Langsford. A.E. Wasserman’s writing is beautifully done—tense and uncomfortable. The ending gave me a chill.” -Chuck Sambuchino, Bestselling Author

Amazon | Barnes & Noble


About the Author

The daughter of a newspaperman, A.E. Wasserman grew up in a household filled with books and stories. At age 14, she wrote her first novella and never stopped writing. She is the author of a new mystery/thrillers series, the first of which takes place in London: 1884 No Boundaries, A Story of Espionage and International Intrigue. The second in the Langsford Series, 1886 Ties That Bind, A Story of Politics, Graft and Greed, has just been released. Her work, critically acclaimed as “richly atmospheric,” is being noticed by readers and critics alike, and has garnered international attention, not only in the U.S., but Europe and the U.K. as well. She recently received top honors from Writer’s Digest for her work. After graduating from The Ohio State University, she lived in London, then San Francisco. Currently she resides in Southern California with her family and her muse, a Border Collie named Topper.

 For more information, please Visit the author’s web site at You can also connect with her on Facebook and Twitter.



During the Book Blast we will be giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card! To enter, please enter via the Gleam form below.

Giveaway Rules
– Giveaway ends at 11:59pm EST on January 12th. You must be 18 or older to enter.
– Giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY.
– Only one entry per household.
– All giveaway entrants agree to be honest and not cheat the systems; any suspect of fraud is decided upon by blog/site owner and the sponsor, and entrants may be disqualified at our discretion.
– Winner has 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen.



Thursday, December 28, 2017

My 2018 Color Coded RC/Read it Again, Sam Sign-Ups

Both of these fun challenges are hosted by Bev at My Reader's Block.  Click on the banner to go to the sign up page and for full details.

For the Color Coded Challenge:

*Read nine books in the following categories.

1. A book with "Blue" or any shade of Blue (Turquoise, Aquamarine, Navy, etc) in the title/on the cover.
***Ice Blue by Emma Jameson (tentative for July)
2. A book with "Red" or any shade of Red (Scarlet, Crimson, Burgandy, etc) in the title/on the cover.
***The Red Door Inn by Liz Johnson (tentative for December)
3. A book with "Yellow" or any shade of Yellow (Gold, Lemon, Maize, etc.)in the title/on the cover.
***Yellow Ribbon by Mike Faricy (tentative for August)
4. A book with "Green" or any shade of Green (Emerald, Lime, Jade, etc) in the title/on the cover.
***Limelight by Emily Organ (tentative for March)
5. A book with "Brown" or any shade of Brown (Tan, Beige, Sand etc) in the title/on the cover.
***Brownies and Betrayal by Heather Justesen (tentative for November)
6. A book with "Black" or any shade of Black (Jet, Ebony, Charcoal, etc) in the title/on the cover.
***When Danger Calls (Blackthorne Inc #1) by Terry Odell (tentative for October)
7. A book with "White" or any shade of White (Ivory, Eggshell, Cream, etc)in the title/on the cover.
***White Hell by Remington Kane (read 1/1/2018; reviewed 1/2/2018; edited to update 1/1/2018 2355 hrs)
8. A book with any other color in the title/on the cover (Purple, Orange, Silver, Pink, Magneta, etc.).
***Sweets and a Stabbing (Pink Cupcake Mysteries #1) by Harper Lin (tentative for February)
9. A book with a word that implies color (Rainbow, Polka-dot, Plaid, Paisley, Stripe, etc.).
***Death of a Rainbow Nymph by April Fernsby


For Read it Again, Sam:

Starting with Deja vu (4 books)

Here are the remaining levels for reference:

Déjà vu: Reread 4 books
Feeling Nostalgic: Reread 8 books
A Trip Down Memory Lane: Reread 12 books
Living in the Past: Reread 16+ books

Links for books not read/reviewed yet go to GoodReads.  After reading, the links will go to my review on the blog.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Wicked City by Beatriz Williams - #review

In the first book of a breathtaking new trilogy by bestselling author Beatriz Williams, two generations of women are brought together inside a Greenwich Village apartment —a flapper hiding an extraordinary past, and a modern-day Manattanite forced to start her life anew.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

My 2018 Mount TBR Reading Challlenge

December 26th.

The day after Christmas.

Boxing Day for some.

Six days until the new year of 2018.

This is a very VERY dangerous time of year for me.  I'm getting excited to start my 2018 reading challenges.  And all those creative challengers are out there coming up with ideas for new and bigger reading challenges...that try (quite successfully usually) to lure me into their ranks.

Saturday, December 23, 2017

My 2018 Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge Sign-up

Are you looking to add a little more mystery to your reading life?  Then the Cloak and Dagger Reading Challenge is for you!  The challenge is hosted by Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! and Barb @ Booker T's Farm.  Show them some blog love and then click the button above to go sign up for the challenge yourself!  Your commitment will start at 5 books.  Five.  For the whole year. :D

Here's a list of mystery, suspense and thriller books already on my schedule for 2018:

White Hell by Remington Kane (read 1/1/2018; reviewed 1/2/2018; edited to update 1/1/2018 2358 hrs)
Above & Beyond by Kathryn Shay (read 1/1/2018; reviewed 1/2/2018; edited to update 1/2/2018 1115 hrs)
Murder in the Latin Quarter by Susan Kiernan-White
Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie
Sweets and a Stabbing by Harper Lin

The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins
Limelight by Emily Organ
Dark Isle 2 by Shannon Mayer
Catch by Annie Nicholas
Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

When the Smoke Clears by Lynette Eason
The Clue of the Twisted Candle by Edgar Wallace
Strawberry Murder by Carol Durand
The Zombie Chronicles by Chrissy Peebles
A Terrible Secret by May Agnes Fleming

The Paradise Mystery by J.S. Fletcher
Aspen Allegations by Lisa Shea
Ice Blue by Emma Jameson
Just Evil by Vickie McKeehan
Yellow Ribbon by Mike Faricy

The Spy Who Came in From the Cold by John le Carre
Scottish Rite by Stephen Penner
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
Ladd Springs by Dianne Vennetta
When Danger Calls by Terry Odell

We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson
Brownies and Betrayal by Heather Justesen
The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien
The Price of Innocence by Bryan DeVore
The Unexpected Mrs Pallifax by Dorothy Gilman

So, 30 books would put me at the "Inspector" level.  It will probably end up being more, but that gives me a starting point.

Friday, December 22, 2017

My Book Challenge by Erin 8.0 Sign-Up

(Be sure to click on the button up there to get the full details , etc.)  The challenge runs from January 1 - April 30, 2018.

Here are the categories and my choices (where available):

Covers link to GoodReads..  Will add review link when applicable.

• 5 points: Freebie – Read a book that is at least 200 pages

• 10 points: Read a book that starts with the letter “L”

• 10 points: Read a book that has a (mostly) red cover

• 15 points: Read a book with a character’s name in the title (i.e. Jane Eyre, The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry, We Need to Talk about Kevin, A Prayer for Owen Meany, Harry Potter books, etc.)

• 20 points: Read a book from this list: Book Riot’s 100 Must-Read Books with Plot Twists doesn’t love a good plot twist??)

• 20 points: Read a book with the words “house” or “home” in the title

• 25 points: Read a book by an author whose first and last name begins with the same letter (i.e. Cassandra Clare, Melina Marchetta, Ransom Riggs, Chris Cleave, etc.)

• 30 points: Read a book that was originally published in a different language than your own (submitted by Kirsten)

• 30 points: Read a book where most of the action takes place on a form of transportation i.e. bus, boat, car, plane, etc. (submitted by Bev)

• 35 points: Read a book with a character that suffers from a debilitating physical illness (submitted by Amber C.)

Sunday, December 17, 2017

My 2018 #COYER Winter Switch Sign-up

The COYER Winter Switch Challenge is hosted by Michelle and Berls on the site.  Click the button above to go to the sign-up page.  They have switched things up this year a bit, and that means two options on how to complete the challenge: strict and switch.

Rules for the strict:

  1. Every book you read must be an eBook or audiobook.
  2. Every book must be either free or less than $5.
  3. No library books, borrowed books, or Kindle Unlimited.

This is the option I'm choosing, even though the Switch sounds like loads of fun, because I've got everything I can handle on my plate for this winter already!  And I'm hoping this will give me that little extra "oomph" I need to get my reviews out promptly! ;)

I feel like this is a really short post and worry that I'm leaving something out.  But anyway, on to the reading and reviewing!


I actually just finished Biscuits and Slashed Browns by Maddie Day.  (Like 1/2 hour ago.)

And I have the following lined up for January 2018, although I totally want to start reading them now.  Of course, it's not like I don't have loads of e-books on my reader anyway!  (Oh, BTW, covers below link to the GoodReads page for the book.)



White Hell by Remington Kane was downloaded April 27, 2017. (read 1/1/2018; reviewed 1/2/2018; edited to update 1/2/2018 0000 hrs)
Above and Beyond by Kathryn Shay (downloaded 10-26-2017; read 1/1/2018; reviewed 1/2/2018; edited to update 1/2/2018 1117 hrs)
Murder in the Latin Quarter by Susan Kiernan-Lewis was downloaded September 24, 2017; read 1-2-2018; reviewed 1-3-2018; edited to update 1-8-2018 1431 hrs)
Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie was downloaded October or November 2017)
Where Do I Go by Beverly Majid (read 1-6-2018 through 1-7-2018; reviewed 1-8-2018; post to publish on 1-29-2018)

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

My 2018 Literary Escapes Reading Challenge Sign-up

This challenge is hosted by Lori at Escape With Dollycas.  Click on the button right up there to get the full details and the link to the sign up form.  Basically, the idea is to read one book set in each state of the US during the year.  Below is the partial list of books I have  figured out so far.  I had wanted to get them all picked out before I signed up, but I think that is dang near impossible, but I've got 25/50 so far, and I'm calling it good!

Alabama - To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee [October]

Alaska - Touching the Clouds by Bonnie Leon [November]

Arizona - Brownies & Betrayal by Heather Justesen (Silver Springs, AZ) [NOVEMBER]

Arkansas - By the Light of the Moon:  Rise of the Arkansas Werewolves by Jodi Vaughn [December]

California - Just Evil (Evil Secrets #1) by Vickie McKeehan (various CA) [July]

Colorado - A Hell Hound's Fire by Siobhan Muir [January]

Connecticut - 

Delaware - 

Florida - There's Always a Catch by Stephanie Taylor (Christmas Key, FL) [SEPTEMBER]

Georgia - For Love Alone by Belle Calhoune [February]

Hawaii - Connected by the Sea by E.L. Todd [March]

Idaho - 

Illinois - 

Indiana - 

Iowa - 

Kansas - 

Kentucky - 

Louisiana - Gumbeaux by Kimberly Vargas (NOLA) [May]

Maine - At Last by Barbara Bretton [May]

Maryland - 

Massachusetts - Aspen Allegations by Lisa Shea [June]

Michigan - The Measure of Katie Calloway by Serena B. Miller (Bay City, MI) [September]

Minnesota - Yellow Ribbon by Mike Faricy (St. Paul, MN) [AUGUST]

Mississippi - 

Missouri - 

Montana - When Danger Calls by Terry O'Dell (Broken Bow, MT) [OCTOBER]

Nebraska - A Bride for Tom by Ruth Ann Gordon (Nebraska) [June]

Nevada - 

New Hampshire - 

New Jersey - 

New Mexico - 

New York - Above and Beyond (To Serve & Protect #1) by Kathryn Shay (read 1/1/2018; reviewed 1/2/2018; edited to update 1/2/2018 1120 hrs; added to map 1/1/2018 1124 hrs)

North Carolina - 

North Dakota - 

Ohio - 

Oklahama Oklahoma Christmas Blues by Maggie Shayne [July]

Oregon - Sweets and a Stabbing by Harper Lin (Gary, OR) [FEBRUARY]

Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania #1 by Michael Bunker [August]

Rhode Island - 

South Carolina - When the Smoke Clears by Lynette Eason (Columbia, SC) [APRIL]

South Dakota - 

Tennessee - Tennessee Waltz by Trana Mae Simmons [September]

Texas - The Rivergirl's Song (Texas Women of Spirit #1) by Angela C. Castillo [October]

Utah - 

Vermont - 

Virginia - 

Washington - 

West Virginia - 

Wisconsin - Romancing Wisconsin by Stacey Joy Netzel [November]

Wyoming - A Real Cowboy Never Says No by Stephanie Rowe [December] (for reference)

Link to my map (just for reference so far, won't be much on it until January. *lol*)

Monday, December 11, 2017

My 2018 What's in a Name Reading Challenge Sign-up Post

The What’s In A Name challenge, originally started by Annie, handed to Beth Fish Reads, and now continued with Charlie at The Worm Hole.  Click the button to go to the sign up page.

Choose one book from each of the following categories:

1.  The word 'the' is used twice in the title.
2.  A fruit or vegetable
3.  A shape.
4.  A title that begins with "Z".
5.  A nationality
6.  A season

Here are my choices to give you an idea:

1.  The Clue of the Twisted Candle by Edgar Wallace
(There were actually multiple covers, as the book was originally published in the 1st half of the 20th century, but I liked this one best!)

2.  Strawberry Murder by Carol Durand

3.  Circled Heart by Karen J. Hadley

4.  Z-Burbia by Jake Bible

5.  Scottish Rite by Stephen Penner

6.  Ladd Springs by Dianne Venetta

Every one of these comes from the TBR on my Kindle, from 2014 - 2017.  Yes *groan* I have TBRs from years ago. *sigh*

Right now the links in the book titles go to the book's GoodReads' page.  After they are read and reviewed the link will be changed to the review post.

Suggestions for selections fitting the categories not listed here are definitely encouraged.  You might just help another reader fill up his or her list!  Karma applies.


Also sharing with:



Thanks to Stephanie of Tynga's Reviews, Kathryn at Book Date, Ramona at Create With Joy and Janice at Mostly Blogging for hosting these respective link-ups!  (Click on the buttons to go to the respective blogs.)

Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Tides Between by Elizabeth Jane Corbett - #review #giveaway

She fancied herself part of a timeless chain without beginning or end, linked only by the silver strong words of its tellers.

In the year 1841, on the eve of her departure from London, Bridie’s mother demands she forget her dead father and prepare for a sensible, adult life in Port Phillip. Desperate to save her childhood, fifteen-year-old Bridie is determined to smuggle a notebook filled with her father’s fairytales to the far side of the world.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

My 2018 Vintage Mystery Challenge Sign-up

Trying to go slow in my sign-ups by choosing books ahead of time.  Usually I sign up for too many and then get overwhelmed.  Anyway, the Vintage Mystery RC (Just the Facts, Ma'am) is hosted by Bev at My Reader's Block.  Click on the button above to go to her blog for the full details and to sign up.

I'll be attempting the 'Constable' level on both the gold and silver level, which is one book from each of the six categories per card.

The Golden Age card refers to mysteries written before 1960.

(links below currently go to GoodReads)

WHO - Partners in Crime by Agatha Christie, 1st pub 1929 (crime-solving duo)
WHAT - The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins, 1st pub 1859 (color in title, ref to woman)
WHEN - Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie, 1st pub 1934 (during a trip
WHERE - The Clue of the Twisted Candle by Edgar Wallace, 1st pub 1916 (locked room)
HOW - A Terrible Secret by May Agnes Fleming, 1st pub 1874 (???)
WHY - The Paradise Mystery by J.S. Fletcher, 1st pub 1921 (new-to-me-author)


The Silver Card refers to mysteries written between 1960 and 1989.

WHO - The Godfather by Mario Puzo, 1969 (patriarch)
WHAT - The Spy Who Came in From the Cold by John le Carre, 1963 (ref to man, two title words same letter)
WHEN - In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, 1966 (a historic crime)
WHERE - We Have Always Lived in the Castle by Shirley Jackson,1962 (castle/village)
HOW - The Third Policeman by Flann O'Brien, 1967 (method)
WHY - The Unexpected Mrs Pollifax by Dorothy Gilman, 1966 (new to me author)

For right now, these are tentative titles/categories.  Some may not actually fit, some may need to be changed for whatever reason, but it's a place to start.


Remember, go to 2018 Vintage Mystery Challenge HQ at My Reader's Block for full details and to join the challenge!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Power Struggle by Carolyn Arnold - #review #giveaway

Power Struggle (Detective Madison Knight) Mystery/Crime Fiction
8th in Series Hibbert & Stiles Publishing Inc. (November 28, 2017)
Hardcover: 320 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1988353661
Paperback: 460 pages
ISBN-13: 978-1988353647
One hit man who’s back for revenge. 
One detective who’s not going down without a fight.