Kailyn Wilde enjoys running her shop, Abracadabra, in the quaint New York hamlet of New Camel, where she lives with her six cats. Her family’s been here for centuries, and she’d like to keep up the tradition. But the place may never be the same if a big hotel gets built, so she does her civic duty and attends a town meeting along with her aunt Tilly . . . and Merlin. Yes, that Merlin—though he gets introduced to folks as her “distant English cousin.” The wizard is pretty grumpy about being transported here, but there are things about the modern world he doesn’t mind—like pizza.
Kailyn was prepared for a heated debate about the hotel, but she wasn’t expecting murder. When Tilly finds the body of a board member outside the schoolhouse, Kailyn doesn’t want any suspicion cast on the wrong person. She plans to crack this case, even if she has to talk to every living soul in town—plus a few departed ones . . .
I imagine it must be hard living out of your own time, like Merlin does in That Olde White Magick by Sharon Pape. But like him, I would rather go forward in time than back. I mean, I have enough trouble in a modern kitchen w/ground beef, so cooking over a fire and assisting in the 'meat processing'? I can think of a number of ways I'd rather spend my time. But I'd probably not have to worry about that for long, for being the 'uppity woman' that I am, I'd surely be labeled a witch or a heretic and come to a short end. Although ... knowing Merlin could be bribed with pizza would come in mighty handy! *lol*
And I'm totally down with the townspeople wanting to keep out a big hotel. (I once threatened to move if they put up a second traffic light in our then-little hamlet.) I started reading the book late one night, and my sniggers at Merlin stealing that pushy council member's voice turned to family-waking out-right loud laughter when Kailyn threatened him with no pizza for a month if he didn't give the voice back!
The town of New Camel is filled with so many colorful and memorable characters, that I think I'm officially 'bummed' that I missed reading the first book in the series, Magick & Mayhem. Fortunately, even a non-magickal person such as myself can change that situation right away!
The good balance of seriousness and humor, also of magick vs. mundane make That Olde White Magic a must-read book for this Halloween season, or any time of year!
Sharon describes her writing career as having two stages. Back in the dark ages, before computers were in every household, she had three paranormal books published. The first one was condensed by Redbook Magazine, the first paperback original they ever condensed. Then life brought her an unexpected challenge, by the name of breast cancer. After treatment she and her oncologist started a not-for-profit to provide information and peer support to breast cancer patients. With the organization up and running, she returned to her first love – writing. This time around she’s been writing cozy mysteries with a paranormal twist. That Olde White Magick
is the second book in her Abracadabra Mysteries
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(Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the author and publisher via Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours and NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review.)
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