Monday, December 31, 2018

My 2019 #WintersRespite Read-a-thon Signup

Thank goodness for GoodReads!  I only found out about this readathon a couple of moments ago on Goodreads and so am dashing off this "I'm in" post in time for the starting gate.

I don't really have a 'plan' for reading, but I may let this double as my "book basket for all January reads".  I'm figuring around 15+ books.

The group hashtag is #WintersRespite and there are groups on Facebook, GoodReads and Instagram.

There's no 'required number of reads', so if you are planning on trying to get even one book done, come join in with sister and brother bibliophiles, and take some time off from your real life. :)



1.  Best Self: Be You, Only Better by Mike Bayer (January 1) DONE
2.  In the Midst of Winter by Danice Hope (January 1-review will post January 8 on a tour) DONE
3.  Why Romeo Hates Juliet by Anna Mara (Jan 3) DONE
4.  First Frost by Liz DeJesus (Jan 4) DONE
5.  The Little Leprechaun Who Loved Yellow! by Sally Huss (Jan 4) DONE
6.  Brownie Points for Murder by Nicole Ellis (Jan 7) DONE
7.  The Mountain Man's Dog by Gary Corbin (Jan 7) DONE
8.  Ruthless by Susan Kiernan-Lewis (Jan 8) DONE

My 2019 "You Read How Many Books?" RC Sign-up

The 2019 "You Read How Many Books?" Reading Challenge is hosted by Gina at her blog Book Dragon's Lair.  Please click on the banner above to go to the sign-up page for full details and to JOIN IN!  There are multiple levels at which you can sign up, from "Board Book " (12 books/1 per month), to "Adult" (208+ books/4 per week).

Part of me wants to go for the "Board Book" level, because it will be like falling off a log...dead easy.  But where's the challenge in that?  So I'm going for the "Middle Grade" level of 78 books.  It will be a stretch but not out of the realm of reality. :)



1.  Best Self: Be You, Only Better by Mike Bayer (Tuesday, 1 January) DONE
2.  In the Midst of Winter by Danice Hope (Jan 1 - review to post Jan 8 as part of a tour) DONE
3.  Why Romeo Hates Juliet by Anna Mara (Jan 3) DONE
4.  Brownie Points for Murder by Nicole Ellis (Jan 7) DONE
5.  The Mountain Man's Dog by Gary Corbin (Jan 7) DONE
6.  Ruthless by Susan Kiernan-Lewis (Jan 8) DONE

(more to be added) ...

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Head Case by Niki Cluff - #bookblitz

Niki Cluff lives in Northern Arizona with her husband, three children, and Great Dane who also doubles as a pony. For the last four years, she has worked as a literary intern sorting through queries while writing her own books. When she isn't writing or watching BIGBANG and EXO videos, she's sketching, playing video games (Legend of Zelda is her favorite), crocheting, and cooking. Copycat recipes are her specialty. She's also a massive anime fan (Sailor Moon forever!) and hopes to visit Tokyo some day.

Twitter ~ Blog ~
Amazon ~

Allyson has been in a coma for the last nine months. What’s worse, she can hear everything the doctors say. She knows they’re keeping her in a coma and that she’s at the mercy of the hospital's First-in-Human trial—a VR system implanted in her brain for a second chance at life.

Attached to the VR, Ally discovers worlds unlike home. She can do whatever she wants, but she misses her parents. With help from Harrison, a rabbit-eared boy, they work together to free themselves from Aishwarya, the mad queen of the world. 

But when Harrison wakes up and doesn’t come for Ally, she’ll split her soul to the brink of death to save herself.


"He's gone. I know you visited his parents. I know they were coming for him," she says. She swings the sword down and I duck, my arms raised above my head as though they could offer some sort of protection. I squeeze my eyes anticipating the coming pain.

 Nothing happens. No searing pain or fire burning my skin the way I imagine the bite of a sword might feel. Gasps rise from the crowd. Is this like a video game? Do I get more lives?

"Not again, Aishwarya," Chester says through clenched teeth. I open my eyes to see him standing above me. He's clutching the blade of the sword in one hand. Aishwarya's arm in the other. Lines of blood drips from his palm to the ground in puddles that almost disappear on the dark flooring. "How many deaths will be enough?" 

To view our blog schedule and follow along with this tour visit our Official Event page 

Friday, December 21, 2018

My 2019 52 Books in 52 Weeks RC Sign-up

Mommy Mannegren is hosting a "52 Books in 52 Weeks" RC at her blog , "Mommy Mannegren".  Click the button above to go to the sign-up page, for full details and to sign up.  Sorry about that graphic.  I've tried resizing it here and in PicMonkey, but it just comes out blurry.



(the first ten categories appear here for now, I will add as the year progresses)

2.  An author you've never heard of before. Bad Karma by Douglas Klegg
3.  A book you've read before.  The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo
4.  A book with a strong female lead.  Ruthless by Susan Kiernan-Lewis (Jan 8) DONE
6.  A book set in the Southern USA. The Russian and Aunt Sophia by Rita Moreau (Florida)
7.  A memoir on someone you admire.  Child, Hold Me by Michel Sauret
8.  Set in the Victorian Era. Pilfered Promises by M. Louisa Locke
9.  A character with a career you wish you had.  Exit, Stage Left by Adam Croft
10.   A plant on the cover.  Fatal Flowers by Enes Smith
11.  Published the year you graduated school.
12.  A graphic novel.
13.  Featuring music.
14.  Ugly cover.
15.  A teen as the main character.  First Frost by Liz DeJesus (Jan 4) DONE
16.  The retelling of a well-known story.
17.  Set during a holiday.
18.  A book picked out for you by someone else.
19.  Gothic fiction.
20.  A book about time travel.
21.  A title that starts with the letter 'J".
22.  Fantasy novel.
23.  True crime novel.
24.  Self-published book.
25.  The name of a color in the title.
26.  A one-word title.
27.  A book that makes you mad.  In the Midst of Winter by Danice Hope (Jan 1, tour Jan 8) - DONE
28.  A book that discusses mental health.
29.  A book published by Harper Collins.
30.  A book by an author who uses initials.
31.  A book that everyone's talking about.
32.  A western.
33.  A book about a cult.
34.  A book that was nominated (but didn't win) for a GoodReads Choice 2018 award.
35.  A sports-related book.
36.  A humorous novel.
37.  Set in South America.
38.  An allegorical book.
39.  Military-related (fiction or non-fiction)
40.  A book about an immigrant.
41.  A book suggested by someone else in the challenge.
42.  A family member's favorite book.
43.  A children's book.
44.  A book by an author who uses a pseudonym.
45.  A beach read.  Why Romeo Hates Juliet by Anna Mara (Jan 3) DONE
46.  The first book you see in a bookstore/library.
47.  Set in a country you've visited.
48.  Set in a post-apocalyptic world
49,  A speed read.
50.  A fairy tale.
51.  A book about organized crime/the mob.
52.  An audiobook.

Before being read and reviewed links above go to GoodReads w/the exception of the following:
4. Goes to Amazon, because the book does not show on GoodReads
5.  Links to The Literature Project, where the play can be read.

My 2019 Monthly Motif RC Sign-up

The 2019 Monthly Motif RC is hosted by Kimberly at her blog "Girl xoxo".  Please click the button above to go to the sign-up page for full details and to sign up! :D


JANUARY - New to You Author

Read a book by an author whose writing you've never read before.
Best Self: Be Yourself, Only Better  by Mike Bayer (link goes to my review on this blog.)

FEBRUARY - Cover Love

Yes. We're giving you permission to judge a book by its cover and read a book with a cover that really caught your eye.

MARCH - Royalty, Kingdoms, Empires, Government

Read a book in which the character is involved in a ruling or governing body in some way.
The Outlands Sedition by Monica Lake and Aleigh Schuster

APRIL - Crack the Case

Read a mystery, detective story, true crime, cozy mystery, or book involving a puzzle to solve.
Deadly Odds by Zelda White

MAY - One Sitting Reads

Read something that is short enough you could get through it in one sitting-try a graphic novel, comic book, short story, essay, or short collection of poetry.
Get Well Soon by Merri Mayweather

JUNE - Diversify Your Reading

Read a book with a character (or written by an author) of a race, religion, or sexual orientation other than your own, or read about a culture you want to learn about.
Plain Dealing by Ian Patrick (South Africa)

JULY - Through the Years

Read a book involving time travel, a book with a "time" setting such as The Great Gatsby (20s), read a historical fiction/nonfiction, or choose a book published in your birth year.
Fortress of Time by Mariah Stone

AUGUST - Mode of Transportation

Read a book where the mode of transportation plays a role in the story (ex. Murder on the Orient Express)
Murder at Sea of Passenger X by Anna Celeste Burke

SEPTEMBER - Animal, Number, Color, Name

One of those things needs to be in the title of the book you choose (ex. Water for Elephants, Red Queen, Fahrenheit 451, Rebecca, Harry Potter)
The Peacock's Poison by Ruby Loren

OCTOBER - Tricks and Trades

Read a book set in a theatre, an amusement park, a circus, or a book involving magic, illusions, or characters with special powers.
Beached and Bewitched by Emery Belle

NOVEMBER - Seasons, Elements, and Weather

Embrace a writer wonderland setting, pick a beach read, or read about a natural disaster.  As long as a season, element, or the weather plays a key role in the story or is part of the title, it counts. (ex. Little Firest Everywhere, The Snow Child, On the Island.)
A Timeless Romance Anthology: Autumn Collection by Heather Horrocks & 5 other writers

DECEMBER - Last Chance

Finally read that one book that you've been meaning to get to all year long.
(This spot reserved for that book that keeps getting shoved back on the shelf in favor of something else.)

Thursday, December 20, 2018

My 2019 Literary Escapes RC Sign-up

The 2019 Literary Escapes Challenge is hosted by Lori at her Escape With Dollycas blog.  Click on the button above to go to the sign-up page for the full details and to sign-up.  There is also an active FB group for this challenge.



  • Alabama - AL
  • Alaska - AK
  • Arizona - AZ
  • Arkansas - AR
  • California - CA
  • Colorado - CO
  • Connecticut - CT
  • Delaware - DE
  • Florida - FL
  • Georgia - GA Ruthless by Susan Kiernan-Lewis (Jan 8) DONE
  • Hawaii - HI
  • Idaho - ID
  • Illinois - IL
  • Indiana - IN
  • Iowa - IA
  • Kansas - KS
  • Kentucky - KY
  • Louisiana - LA
  • Maine - ME
  • Maryland - MD
  • Massachusetts - MA
  • Michigan - MI
  • Minnesota - MN
  • Mississippi - MS
  • Missouri - MO
  • Montana - MT
  • Nebraska - NE
  • Nevada - NV
  • New Hampshire - NH
  • New Jersey - NJ
  • New Mexico - NM
  • New York - NY
  • North Carolina - NC
  • North Dakota - ND
  • Ohio - OH
  • Oklahoma - OK
  • Oregon - OR - The Mountain Man's Dog by Gary Corbin (Jan 7) DONE
  • Pennsylvania - PA
  • Rhode Island - RI
  • South Carolina - SC
  • South Dakota - SD
  • Tennessee - TN
  • Texas - TX
  • Utah - UT
  • Vermont - VT
  • Virginia - VA
  • Washington - WA - Brownie Points for Murder by Nicole Ellis (Jan 7) DONE
  • West Virginia - WV
  • Wisconsin - WI
  • Wyoming - WY

You may notice that none of the slots are filled in.  Not knowing location beforehand, I figured it would be easier to fill this one in as I go.

Haha on me.  It figures the first book I can put on my map is from a different country1.

Here's a bit of fun:

A Google map that shows the locations! (***NOTE:  Map is having 'issues' so may or may not be up yet.)

2019 Pop Sugar RC Sign-up

Yeah, I know it's nearly impossible to read, but the button above is linked to the Pop  Sugar site and has all the details.  I highly suggest joining the  Pop Sugar group on GoodReads.

1.  A book becoming a movie in 2019.
2.  A book that makes you nostalgic
3.  A book written by a musician
4.  A book you think should be turned into a movie.
5.  A book with at least 1 million ratings on GoodReads.

6.  A book with a plant on the cover or in the title.
Murder Served Hot by Nancy Skopin

7.  A reread of a favorite book
The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck

8.  A book about a hobby.
9.  A book you meant to read in 2018
10.  A book with 'pop', 'sugar' or 'challenge' in the title.

11.  A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover.
Stilettos & Scoundrels by Laina Turner

12.  A book inspired by mythology, legend or folklore
Tajael by Alisa Wood

13.  A book published posthumously
Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

14.  A book you see someone reading on tv or in a movie
15.  A retelling of a classic

16.  A book with a question in the title
Who Murdered Uncle Ebeneezer? by Sarah Faith Nightingale (super short, so will pick another)

17.  A book set on a college or university campus.
18.  A book about someone with a superpower.

19.  A book told from multiple POAs
Tidal Magic by Janelle Peel

20.  A book set in outer space.
The Heaviness of Knowing by Sharolyn G. Brown

21.  A book by two female authors.
Must. Have. Wine. by Katrina Epp and Leah Speer

22.  A book with a title that includes 'salty', 'sweet', 'bitter' or 'spicy'
Oh, Sweet Poison by Nurit Reichman

23.  A book set in Scandinavia
God's Hammer by Eric Schumacher

24.  A book that takes place in a single day.
25.  A debut novel

26.  A book that's published in 2019
Best Self: Be You, Only Better by Mike Bayer (January 1)

27.  A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature.
28.  A book recommended by a celebrity I admire.

29.  A book with 'love' in the title.
Read, Write, Love at Seaside by Addison Cole

30.  A book featuring an amateur detective

31.  A book about a family
The Governess by Mary Kingswood

32.  A book written by an author from Asia, Africa or South America
33.  A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title.
34.  A book that includes a wedding
35.  A book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter..

36.. A ghost story
Over My Husband's Dead Body by Etta Faire

37.  A book with a two-word title.
Russian Hill by Ty Hutchinson

38.  A novel based on a true story
39.  A book revolving around a puzzle or a game.
40.  Your favorite prompt from a past Pop Sugar RC

Well that's a start anyway - from a quick troll for books in my Kindle.  The rest will be added later.  Links initially go to GoodReads.  Once I've done the review, the link will go to the post on my blog.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

My 2019 Monthly Key Word RC Sign-up

This is another of Bev's fun reading challenges that she hosts at her blog, My Reader's Block.  Click on the button above to go to the sign-up page and join in!

Using one of the prompts each month from the chart below, read a book with that word in the title, and voila!


January - WHY - Why Romeo Hates Juliet by Anna Mara

February - WALK - Dead Man's Walk: An Unofficial Inspector Morse Mystery by Antony James

March - EMERALD - Emerald Green by Lindsay Marie Miller

April - HUNT - Jack Templar Monster Hunter by Jeff Gunhus

May - MOUNTAIN - Mountain Angel by Suzie O'Connell

June - WOMAN - Art of a Jewish Woman by Henry Massie

July - WORK - A Work in Progress by Staci Stallings

August - SWIM - The Twilight Swimmer by AC Kavich

September - BOOK - Gravier's Bookshop by Evelyn Klebert; 633 pages-what, am i crazy? :p

October - CREATURE - Creatures of Fire by JB Brooklin

November - HAVE - Must. Have. Wine: a Toast to Motherhood by Leah Speer and Katrina Epp

December - WISE - Children of the Wise Oak by Oliver J. Tooley

My Book Challenge by Erin 10.0 Sign-up Post

Book Challenge by Erin 10.0 – Categories

• 5 points: Freebie – Read a book that is at least 200 pages
STALKING JACK by Madison Kent (350)

• 10 points (from BCBE 1.0; selected by Megan Kloustin): Read a book that was made into a movie

• 10 points (from BCBE 2.0; selected by inay R): Read a book that is set in Europe
DEAD MAN'S WALK by Anthony Jones

• 15 points (from BCBE 3.0; selected by Jamie Ghione): Read a book that was a Newberry Award winner (medal winner or honor book); this link should help:…/newberymedal/newberyhonors/newberymedal  ***for this category only, since many children’s literature books may be shorter, the page number requirement is only 100 pages
THE STORY OF MANKIND by Hendrik Willem van Loon - 1922

• 20 points (from BCBE 4.0; selected by Deborah Dainton): Read a book that is a friend or family member’s favourite...or the favourite book by another participant in this challenge

• 20 points (from BCBE 5.0; selected by Donna Nevins): Read a book originally published over 100 years ago; this link should help:…/16.Best_Books_of_the_19th_Centu…

• 25 points (from BCBE 6.0; selected by Beverly-Ann Basque): Read a book with six words (and only six words) in the title

• 30 points (from BCBE 7.0; selected by Vanessa Loke): Read a book with a compass or cardinal direction in the title

• 30 points (from BCBE 8.0; selected by Keli Hearron): Read a book that was originally published in a different language than your own
SIDDHARTHA by Hermann Hesse

• 35 points: (from BCBE 9.0; selected by Amanda Forsyth): Read a book that begins with the letter “N”
NEW TRADITIONS by Hayley Wescott


Sunday, 16 December, 2018 to add titles and authors of books I plan to read for all but two categories.

My 2019 A to Z RC Sign-up

The 2019  A to Z Reading Challenge is hosted by Megan at the Ginger Mom & the Kindle Quest blog.  Click the Pinterest-friendly sign above to go to the sign-up page to see full details and sign up yourself!



A - Art of a Jewish Woman by Henry Massie
B - Brownie Points for Murder by Nicole Ellis (Jan 7) DONE
C - Cowboy Heat by Sable Hunter
D - A Different Shade of Blue by Hildie McQueen
E - 
F - First Frost by Liz DeJesus (Jan 4) DONE
G - Gravier's Bookshop by Evelyn Klebert
H - 
I - Iron Bloom by Billy Wong
J --Jack Templar Monster Hunter by Jeff Gunhus
K - 
L - Lucky by Staci Stallings
M - Mountain Angel by Suzie O'Connell
N - Nibble, Nibble, Crunch by Willow Rose
O - 
P - Pink Flamingoed by Steve Demaree
Q - 
R - Risking it all for Love by Kimberly Montpetit
S - The Scent of Lilacs by Ann M. Gabhart
T - The Twilight Swimmer by A. C. Kavich
U - 
V - 
W - The White Aura by Felicia Tatum
X - 
Y - Yellow Ribbon by Mike Faricy
Z - 

If I am to have any hope of completing a challenge, I have to get some of the books pre-listed or I get overwhelmed in January (not a good thing at the beginning of the year) and wind up not doing much of anything besides reading.

Anyway, there you go.  The links initially go to the book's Goodreads page (JIC something looks interesting), after each review goes up, the links will go my review of that book here on the blog.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

My 2019 Blog All About It Challenge Sign-up

Basically there's a word each month and any time during the month you can blog about that word. In any way you want. Review, recipe, photos, stories, etc  Click on the button above to go to the challenge sign-up page on Anna's "Herding Cats and Burning Soup" blog.

2019 Prompts

Jan- First - First Frost by Liz DeJesus

Feb- Pink - Pink Flamingoed by Steve Demaree

Mar- Luck - Lucky by Staci Stalling

April- Sweet  The Sweetwater Trail by N.L. Campbell

May- Bloom - Iron Bloom by  Billy Wong

June- Risk - Risking it All for Love by Kimberly Montpetit

July- Heat - Cowboy Heat by Sable Hunter

Aug- Sky - Sky Hunter by Chris Reher

Sept- Crunch - Nibble, Nibble, Crunch by Willow Rose

Oct- Shiver - Beware the Jabberwock by Chester D. Cambpell

Nov- Thankful - The Second Thanksgiving by Douglas Lloyd McIntosh

Dec- Twinkle - Starstruck by Brenda Hiatt

I will link each month's post here as they go up.



Sunday, 16 December, 2018 to add titles and GoodReads links for my book choices.

My 2019 Alphabet Soup RC (Author Edition) Sign-up

The 2019 Alphabet Soup Author Edition RC is hosted by Lori at the Escape With Dollycas blog.  It is similar to the Alphabet Soup RC (original which goes by the title of the book.  In this challenge, either the author's first or last name(s) must begin with the letter in question - one book for each letter of the alphabet.


A - Dead Man's Walk by Anthony James
B - Legends of the Egyptian Gods by E. A. Wallis Budge
C - Bad Karma by Douglas Clegg
D - In the Midst of Winter by Danice Hope (Jan 1/Jan 8) DONE
E - Marrying a Country Star by Emma Evans
F - You Don't Know Me by Faleena Hopkins
G - Voodoo You Think You Are by G. A. Chase
H - Jack Wakes Up by Seth Harwood
I - 
J - How the Light Gets In by Jolina Petersheim
K - Ruthless by Susan Kiernan-Lewis (Jan 8) DONE
L - First Frost by Liz DeJesus (Jan 4) DONE
M - Unreal by Riley Moreno
N - 
O - 
P - The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
Q - 
R - 
S - Fatal Flowers by Enes Smith
T - 
U - Out of Time by Jacquie Underdown
V - The Story of Mankind by Henrik Willen van Loon
W - The Zodiac Killer by WL Knightley
X - 
Y - 
Z -  



Sunday, 16 December, 2018 - to add books to the list.  Added a majority of the book choices and links to GoodReads.  Decided to go ahead and post this because, yeah, some of those letters are hard to fill (I'm looking at you - Q and X).

Monday, December 17, 2018

My 2019 Color Coded RC Sign-up

Bev, over at the "My Reader's Block" blog is one of my reading challenge heroines!  Click the button above to go to the sign up page for the Color Coded and Read it Again, Sam Reading Challenges, and check out the others she runs!

~Challenge runs from January 1 through December 31, 2019 and any book read after January 1 may count regardless of when you sign up. Sign-ups accepted until November 1, 2019.

~Read nine books in the following categories:

1. A book with "Blue" or any shade of Blue (Turquoise, Aquamarine, Navy, etc.) in the title/on the cover.
A Different Shade of Blue by Hildie McQueen

2. A book with "Red" or any shade of Red (Scarlet, Crimson, Burgandy, etc.) in the title/on the cover.
A Dead Red Alibi by RP Dahlke

3. A book with "Yellow" or any shade of Yellow (Gold, Lemon, Maize, etc.) in the title/on the cover.
Yellow Ribbon by Mike Faricy

4. A book with "Green" or any shade of Green (Emerald, Lime, Jade, etc.) in the title/on the cover.
Emerald Green by Lindsy Marie Miller

5. A book with  "Brown" or any shade of Brown (Tan, Beige, Sand, etc.) in the title/on the cover.
Brownie Points for Murder by Nicole Ellis

6. A book with "Black" or any shade of Black (Jet, Ebony, Charcoal, etc.) in the title/on the cover.
Dead is the New Black by Christine D. Rice (May 26, 2013)

7. A book with "White" or any shade of White (Ivory, Eggshell, Cream, etc.) in the title/on the cover.
The White Aura by Felicia Tatum

8. A book with any other color in the title/on the cover (Purple, Orange, Silver, Magenta, Pink, etc.).
The Scent of Lilacs by Ann M. Gabhart

9. A book with a word that implies color in the title/on the cover (Rainbow, Polka-dot, Plaid, Shadow, Paint, Ink, etc.).
Death of a Rainbow Nymph by April Fernsby

~Crossovers with other challenges are fine.

~Please post about the challenge on your blog, if you have one and sign up using the linky below. Give your name and blog (Example: Bev@My Reader's Block) and use a direct link to your challenge post as your url. Please don't connect to just your home page. Links to a list on GoodReads or other social media sites are also acceptable.

~No blog or social media site? No problem! Post a comment below to announce your entry into the challenge and when you have completed the challenge just post a comment on the review site with a list of your books.

~Please use the Review Headquarters Page (sidebar link coming in January) to post review links and a final wrap-up post and/or comments. [Reviews are not required--but we'd love to see what you think about the books you've read if you do review.]


Links to review posts will go up next to the relevant color as the year progresses.

Sunday, 16 December, 2018 to add book titles and links to GoodReads.

My 2019 Alphabet Soup Reading Challenge Sign-Up

The 2019 Alphabet Soup RC is hosted by Lori at the Escape With Dollycas.  You can click on the button above to go to the sign-up page for full details.  The first letter of the first word of a book's title.

For instance, the book I am currently reading (on 7 November 2018) - is (was?) "The Cowboy's Christmas Bride" by Laurie McClair.  Since those pesky little words like 'the, a, an' and their ilk don't count, this book would go on the line below starting with the letter "C".  Right now the links go to Goodreads (exception noted at the bottom).  After I've read and reviewed each book, the link will go to my review and maybe be a different color or something.

There is also a Facebook group for this challenge - here!  Be sure to check that out!


A - Above All Things by Deborah Raney
B - Bad Karma by Douglas Clegg
C - Child, Hold Me by Michel Sauret
D - Dead Man's Walk by Anthony James
E - Exit, Stage Left by Adam Croft
F - Fatal Flowers by Enes Smith
G - The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
H - How the Light Gets In by Jolina Petersheim
I -  The Indigo Pearl by V Knox
J - Jack Wakes Up by Seth Harwood
K - Kindness of Strangers by Julie Smith
L - Legends of the Egyptian Gods by E.A. Wallis Budge
M - Marrying a Country Star by Emma Evans
N - New Traditions by Hayley Wescott
O - Out of Time by Jacquie Underdown
P - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Q - A Queen's Spy by Sam Burnell
R - Ruthless by Susan Kiernan-Lewis - Jan 8 - DONE
S - The Story of Mankind by Hendrik Willem van Loon
T - The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare
U - Unreal by Riley Moreno
V - Voodoo You Think You Are by G.A. Chase
W - The Weaver Takes a Wife by Sheri Cobb South
X - Murder at Sea of Passenger X by Anna Celeste Burke
Y - You Don't Know Me by Faleena Hopkins
Z - The Zodiac Killer by WL Knightly


Saturday 15 December, 2018 - edited to fill out the list and add GoodReads links for book info.  There is one exception, and that is for Taming of the Shrew, which goes to the Folger Library website.