Saturday, December 15, 2018

My 2019 Book Blogger Discussion Challenge Sign-up

The 2019 Discussion Challenge is hosted by Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction and Shannon @ It Starts at Midnight.  Click the cute little button up there to go to the sign-up page for the full details and to join in!  


Note:  You don't have to pre-list your discussion questions, but after my spectacular fail at this challenge last year, I am hoping that already having questions made up will prevent that monthly panic about what to discuss!  I may change a question if on second look I don't like it anymore (lol) or may add an alternate question as the months go by.

BTW, Pinterest has some great ideas for questions.  You may recognize a couple of mine. ;)

January - Do you find that goals (like at GoodReads) help you reach your reading goals for the year and/or challenges?

February - What book sweeps you away on a cloud of romance?

March - Do you ever feel like not reading? (*gasp*)  What do you do about it?

April - What book(s) speak spring to your soul and lift your spirits?

May - What book reminds you of a family member or friend who has passed on and does that make the book more or less attractive to you?

June - Name a favorite series that makes you want to shout at the book, "Oh, for goodness' sake, get married already!"

July - For the book you are reading right now (or the last fiction book you've read) would you like to live where the book is set?  Why or why not?

August - What was the last book that changed your opinion about something.

September - What book are you reading right now and who do you see in the movie as the (main) characters?

October - Is there a book that scares you too much to read?  What is its title?

November - How many three letter words can you make from the title of your current read?

December - Do you have a favorite holiday book?  If so, what is it?  (Can be any holiday from anywhere that takes place at any time during the year.)

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