Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Thirsty Thursday & Hungry Hearts - A Certain Age

TT&HH is a meme hosted by Lexxie at (un)Conventional Book Reviews.  All y'all readers out there are welcome to share a food or drink related quote from a book you are reading or have read.  Click the button above to get the full details and to link up your post(s)!


The 'book book' (print) I am reading currently is "A Certain Age" by Beatriz Williams.  Here's a short synopsis:

As the freedom of the Jazz Age transforms New York City, the iridescent Mrs. Theresa Marshall of Fifth Avenue and Southampton, Long Island, has done the unthinkable: she’s fallen in love with her young paramour, Captain Octavian Rofrano, a handsome aviator and hero of the Great War. An intense and deeply honorable man, Octavian is devoted to the beautiful socialite of a certain age and wants to marry her. While times are changing and she does adore the Boy, divorce for a woman of Theresa’s wealth and social standing is out of the question, and there is no need; she has an understanding with Sylvo, her generous and well-respected philanderer husband.

But their relationship subtly shifts when her bachelor brother, Ox, decides to tie the knot with the sweet younger daughter of a newly wealthy inventor. Engaging a longstanding family tradition, Theresa enlists the Boy to act as her brother’s cavalier, presenting the family’s diamond rose ring to Ox’s intended, Miss Sophie Fortescue—and to check into the background of the little-known Fortescue family. When Octavian meets Sophie, he falls under the spell of the pretty ingénue, even as he uncovers a shocking family secret. As the love triangle of Theresa, Octavian, and Sophie progresses, it transforms into a saga of divided loyalties, dangerous revelations, and surprising twists that will lead to a shocking transgression . . . and eventually force Theresa to make a bittersweet choice.

Now would I like to have a dessert or cocktail named in my honor?  I suppose it would depend on was.  I once made up a concoction at one of those "ice cream and mix-in" places they used to have that I called "Cinillamint Mocha".  You start with a base of chocolate ice cream (or frozen yogurt), then add in ground cinnamon, instant coffee granules, crushed peppermint candy and ... well, I forget how the vanilla got in there...but it was there!  Heaven in a cup!


So, what are you reading now?  Do you have a quote (food/drink or anything) to share?  I'd love to hear it!

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Read One Million Pages (Perpetual) Reading Challenge

The Read One Million Pages Challenge is hosted by Julie at "Smiling Shelves".  It's pretty 1,000,000 pages during your lifetime.  Click on the button to go directly to the sign-up post!

I suppose I will check on GoodReads for my 2014-2016 totals and then add on from there...(or is it here)?  My plan is to take the month of January to get that caught up.  Before then...well, I'm old enough that I'm sure a measurable percentage of pages are lost to the mists of time. *lol*  But that's ok.  We can only do what we can do, right?


PRE 2017

24 Dec 2016 - 92 pages - 92 pages - Master the Art of Connecting by Lou Diamond

1.  The Parting: The Courtship of Nellie Fisher by Beverly Lewis - (352 pp)
2.  The Wave at Hanging Rock by Gregg Dunnett - (362 pp)
3.  Unknown: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland by Charlotte Mary Yonge - (614 pp)
4.  Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer (212 pp)
5.  40 Ways to Get Closer to God by Jerry MacGregor (195 pp)
6.  The Vampyre Legal Chronicles: Marcus by CC MacKenzie (DNF - 51% or approx 105 pp)

Friday, December 23, 2016

My 2017 Color Coded Reading Challenge Sign-Up

The 2017 Color Coded Reading Challenge is hosted by Bev at "My Reader's Block".  Click on the button to go to the sign-up page for the full details.


*Read nine books in the following categories.

1. A book with "Blue" or any shade of Blue (Turquoise, Aquamarine, Navy, etc) in the title/on the cover.
--The Wave at Hanging Rock by Gregg Dunnett

2. A book with "Red" or any shade of Red (Scarlet, Crimson, Burgandy, etc) in the title/on the cover.
---A Dead Red Oleander

3. A book with "Yellow" or any shade of Yellow (Gold, Lemon, Maize, etc.) in the title/on the cover.
---Yellowstone Heart Song

4. A book with "Green" or any shade of Green (Emerald, Lime, Jade, etc) in the title/on the cover.
---Chasing the Lost (The Green Berets Book 8) by Bob Mayer

5. A book with "Brown" or any shade of Brown (Tan, Chocolate, Beige, etc) in the title/on the cover.
---Dead Highways (Origins)

6. A book with "Black" or any shade of Black (Jet, Ebony, Charcoal, etc) in the title/on the cover.
---Black Coke

7. A book with "White" or any shade of White (Ivory, Eggshell, Cream, etc) in the title/on the cover.
---The White Aura

8. A book with any other color in the title/on the cover (Purple, Orange, Silver, Pink, Magneta, etc.).
---Night of the Purple Moon

9. A book with a word that implies color (Rainbow, Polka-dot, Plaid, Paisley, Stripe, etc.).



1.  The Wave at Hanging Rock by Gregg Dunnett
2.  A Dead Red Oleander
3.  Yellowstone Heart Song
4.  Chasing the Lost (The Green Berets Book 8) by Bob Mayer
5.  Dead Highways (Origins)
6.  Black Coke
7.  The White Aura
8.  Night of the Purple Moon

My 2017 Vintage Mystery Scavenger Hunt RC Sign-Up

The 2017 Scavenger Hunt Challenge is once again hosted by Bev at "My Reader's Block".  Click the link above for the full details.

There is a minimum of 6 from one card.  If you want to do both cards, you will need to get 6 spots on each card.

The gold card refers to books published before 1960. 

The silver card refers to books published from 1960 to 1989 (inclusive).

I hope to edit the above cards to include "x"s (or whatever) as the year progresses, and I read more eligible books.



1.  Whose Body? by Dorothy L. Sayers [Dead Body]


My 2017 Follow-the-Clues Mystery Challenge Sign-Up

The first ever Follow the Clues Mystery Challenge is hosted by Bev at "My Readers Block"!  This is a very creative challenge that involves a "6 Degrees of Separation" kind of deal.  Click on the button above to go to the sign-up page for the full details.

There are several levels of participation:
Infraction -- six books read in a single chain of evidence
Misdemeanor -- eight books read in a single chain of evidence
Felony -- ten books read in a single chain of evidence
Capital Offence -- twelve books in a single chain of evidence

I'm starting with an Infraction (6 books in a single chain of evidence) and see where that takes me.




Until I can figure out what the connection is amongst the various books, it seems like it would behoove me to have just a master list of the mysteries I read in 2017:

1.  The Wave at Hanging Rock by Gregg Dunnett
2.  Perception by Lee Strauss

My 2017 Paranormal Reading Challenge Sign-Up

The 2017 Paranormal Reading Challenge is hosted by Julie at "Whole Latte Books".  There are no levels/required numbers of books read.  The only stipulation is that they must have a paranormal element.  Click the button above to go to the sign-up page and get the full details.  I'm going with my standard "6".



1.  The Vampire Legal Chronicles by CC Mackenzie
2.  No Ifs, Ands, or Bears About It by Celia Kyle
3.  Wicked Sense by Fabio Bueno
4.  Cheyenne by Lisa Wiedmeier
5.  BeSwitched by Molly Snow
6.  My Soul to Keep by Melissa Solis

My 2017 YA Reading Challenge Sign-Up

The 2017 YA Reading Challenge is hosted by Julie at "Whole Latte Books".

This is a fairly free-form challenge, no levels, etc.  So, the number of YA books I hope to read in 2017...let me pull a number out of my hat 6!



2.  Perception: a Sci-Fi Mystery Dystopian Romance by Lee Strauss

My 2017 - 52 Books in 52 Weeks RC Sign-Up

Once again, the lovely Robin of "My Two Blessings" is hosting the 52 Books in 52 Weeks Reading Challenge, in 2017!  Simple and straightforward, read a book a week.  I'm sure I've done that in 2016 (read at least a book a week), but my admin skills have thus far been...*ahem*...somewhat underdeveloped.  Hoping to change that in 2017!

Click the button above to go to the sign-up page, so you can see the other folks who will be reading along side you (virtually speaking)!


1.  The Parting by Beverly Lewis
2.  Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer
3.  Perception by Lee Strauss

(updated 1 January 2017)

Bingo Variety

B1 - Prime Number
B2 - Flufferton (?)
B3 - Eastern Europe
B4 - Best Seller Written in Child or Spouse Birthyear
B5 - Steampunk

I1 - Science Fiction - Perception by Lee Strauss
I2 - Your Name in the Title
I3 - Collection of Short Stories
I4 - Seaworthy
I5 - Middle Ages

N1 - Western
N2 - Ancient (up to 100 AD)
N4 - Dystopian - Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer
N5 - Mystery

G1 - Translated
G2 - Outer Space
G3 - Finance
G4 - One Word Title
G5 - Debut Author

O1 - Over 500 Pages  - Unknown to History: a story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland by Charlotte Mary Yonge
O2 - Local Author
O3 - Female Adventure
O4 - Classic
O5 - Selected by a Friend


Dusty Books (the ones that have been on your shelf for a while)

Safe in the Harbor - 2 Books
Sail on Sweet Sister - 4 Books
Life in the Dark Water  - 6 Books
Beyond the Sea  - 8 Books
The Voyage  - 10 Books or more

1.  Unknown to History:  a story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland by Charlotte Mary Yonge (August 26, 2013)
2.  Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer (September 10, 2013)

I've already got 2-3 books on my January list that are anywhere from a couple months to a couple years old, so I'm going for "The Voyage - 10+ books" here.

Chunky Books (500+ pages)

The Tide is High  - 2 books
Down to the Water Line  - 4 books
Big Boat  - 6 books
Big Ship Sailing  - 8 books
Mother Ocean - 10 books or more

1.  Unknown to History: a story of the Captivity of Mary of Scotland by Charlotte Mary Yonge (614 pp)

Going to the other end of the spectrum here, "The Tide is High - 2 books".  I don't usually seek out books for their hugeness, but I don't run away from them either. :O)


Monthly Themes and Readalongs

Jubilant January:  Garnet  /  Haruki Murakami
Festive February:   Amethyst / Authors of Literary Women's Festival
Mystery March:  Aquamarine /  Nordic Countries authors
Artistic April:   Diamond / Somerset Maughan (Razer's Edge)
Eastward May - Emerald  / Eastern European authors
Fantasy June:   Pearl or Alexandrite  / 20th Anniversary of Harry Potter
Scifi July:   Ruby / Octavia Butler  (Dawn)
Adventurous August:   Sardonyx, Peridot or Spinel /  Dorothy Dunnett (Niccolo Rising)
Stifled September:  Sapphire  / Banned Books
Spooky and Spectacular October:  Opal or Tourmaline / Russian Authors
Nonfiction November:  Topaz or Citrine  / Nonfiction
Decidedly December:  - Turquoise, Tanzanite or Zircon  /  Winter

Not sure how many of these I can join in, but I'll put it here j.i.c.


Well Educated Mind  (follow link for specifics) Perpetual Challenge








Wednesday, December 21, 2016

My 2017 Book Blog Discussion Challenge Sign-Up

The 2017 Book Blog Discussion Challenge is hosted by: 
and Shannon at "It Starts at Midnight"!  
Click on the above button to go to the challenge sign-up page!


The Levels:

1-10 – Discussion Dabbler
11-20 – Creative Conversationalist
21-30 – Chatty Kathy
31-40 – Terrifically Talkative
41+ – Gift of the Gab

I'm going to choose the first level (1-10 - Discussion Dabbler) because it will be my first year of participation, and I don't really know much about what I'm doing here (yeah, like that's ever stopped me before)! *lol*  And, in group discussions, I tend to be the quiet one, which is something I'd like to change in 2017!

I don't have any idea (yet) what my topics will be, but then I just found out about this challenge maybe an hour ago on the blog "Second Run Reviews".  I don't think I'd ever even heard of a "discussion challenge", so of course I had to sign up!

I feel almost like I did when I first 'discovered' reading challenges, and then 'had to wait' until midnight between NYE and New Years to 'start'.  But I can spend the time in-between coming up with topics, etc. etc. etc.

Hope to 'see' a lot of you on the flip side! ;)

Utopian Dreams Writing Challenge #WEPFF *FCA*

Denise and Yolanda over at the "Write, Edit, Publish" blog are hosting a writing challenge with the theme of Utopian Dreams.  Please click the button above to see the full details and a list of participants!



It had been an awful year.

My husband of 37 years had passed some six months ago.  I hadn’t really wanted all the memories of the old homestead but had agreed to keep it in the family, providing our children and their families help keep it up.

So, six months go by and it was either bit someone’s head off for puttering around the ‘sad, old widow woman’ (OLD!) or get away from it all for a while.

So it was that I had touched down in Scotland.  I did not consider myself to be on Scottish soil, however, as my feet had only touched metal, concrete and paving so far.  Yes, I’m a purist that way.

Several hours, and many miles later, I pulled into a little unpaved lot at my B&B lodging in Deen-on-the-Sea.  It was a true village, with nary a traffic light in sight.  I opened the car door, breathing a sigh of relief that I had remembered to drive on the right - er, correct, meaning the left side, of the narrow roads.

I closed my eyes and savored the moment, the feel of Scottish dirt under my feet.  It was almost a religious experience.  I don’t know where I got this powerful yearning for Scotland, but it was there.

As I approached the front door, a sturdy woman of maybe 10 years my senior opened the door wide and greeted me with a smile, “Ye must be Maggie Kennedy from America!  Welcome to Deen-on-the-Sea!  Come in, come in!”  “That I am, Mrs. MacTavish…,” I started.  Mrs. MacT interrupted, “Och, Jean is good enough, Maggie!  We don’t stand on much ceremony here!”

Jean took my soft case and placed it behind the desk before motioning me to follow.  “There’s enough time to put your things up later.  Come and have a cuppa.”  She lead me through a door by the desk and we entered the picture of a small village tea room.  “First one’s included in your welcome package.”

When the bells at the door tinkled, I realized that there was also a street entrance.  The tea woman called out a greeting to the newcomer, “Hey there,  Annie, how be ye and yer Bertie?”  “Tolerable well, thanks, Sally, and I see we have a visitor,” Annie responded, looking from Sal to me.

“Yes, she’s booked into the rooms for a couple’a weeks from the Colonies,” Jean added.

I smiled at the British term for the United States.  I stood, extended my hand first to Annie, then Sal, “Maggie Kennedy from Lexington, Kentucky.”

Annie stood by my small table and I motioned that she was welcome to join me.  She smiled, sat and said, “I thank ye and welcome to our seaside village.  Have ye ever been to that Derby race they have there?”  “Oh yes,” I answered, “My husband and I used to go every year since we were married.”

I took a sip of probably the best tea I’ve ever tasted and swallowed, taking a slow breath before I continued, “This was the first year in 38 that I did not attend.  I didn’t have the heart.”  Jean explained, “Maggie is a recent widow.”

Annie tut-tutted and patted my hand, “Don’t ye worry, Mrs.  I’m sure he’s up in heaven right now, happy to see you chatting with new friends.”

In the next moment, the bells above the front door jingled once again. Was it by pure chance, fore-ordination or careful planning by some dear-hearted village yentas, but in walked a man who could well be on the cover of a Highlands romance book for women of a certain age. I loved my husband with all my heart, and could never see loving another in quite the same way. But I couldn't have called myself alive if I didn't admit my heart started to thump a little faster upon seeing him.

Who would have thought my own healing place would be in a small village in Northern Scotland?


They've asked that this button be displayed after the post, to give folks a heads up as to how detailed you would like them to be in any comments:

Word Count:  664


  1. SUBMIT your name to the Inlinkz list below NOW if you wish to participate
  2. CREATE your entry according to the monthly theme - December - Utopian Dreams. More info here
  3. EDIT your entry until it sparkles
  4. PUBLISH on your blog on December 21, 2016 or earlier.
  5. STATE FEEDBACK PREFERENCES (full critique to general comments)
  6. READ & COMMENT this is key to the success of WEP
Open to all genres - Fiction works can be - Adult, YA, MG. All entries maximum 1,000 words or thereabouts.
1. Denise Covey - DL  8. Olga Godim - DL  15. Sheena-kay Graham - DL  
2. Yolanda Renee DL  9. Pat Garcia DL  16. DG Hudson DL  
3. Far Away Eyes - DL  10. J Lenni Dorner DL  17. desk49 - DL  
4. C. Lee McKenzie DL  11. LuAnn Braley - DL  18. Christopher Scott - DL  
5. Guilie Castillo DL  12. N. R. Williams DL  19. Kalpanaa - DL  
6. Nilanjana Bose DL  13. Patrick Hatt - DL  
7. Roland Yeomans - DL  14. L.G. Keltner - DL  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, December 19, 2016

My 2017 COYER Blackout Sign-Up

The COYER Black Out Winter Storm challenge is hosted by Berls at "Fantasy is More Fun", Michelle at "Because Reading", and Stormi at "Books, Movies and Reviews! Oh My".  Thanks for hosting, y'all!  Subscribe/follow love is always appreciated. :O)


The challenge runs from December 17, 2016 to March 3, 2017.

Books must have been acquired between November 17, 2016 and December 17, 2017 and cost $1 or less.  Library books do not count this time.

Books must be in e-book or audio book form.


There is a Facebook group with daily participation available.

There are monthly Twitter chats.

And an Instagram challenge in February.



1.  The Parting by Beverly Lewis - obtained 12/17 - 345 pp
2.  Perception by Lee Strauss - obtained 12/16 - 313 pp
3.  The Wave at Hanging Rock - obtained 12/17 - 362 pp



2017 New Release Challenge Sign-up

The 2017 New Release Reading Challenge is hosted by Lexxie at "(un)Conventional Bookviews" and Stormi at "Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My!"  Thanks, ladies!  Let's show them a little follow love, eh?


  • Books have to be released and reviewed in 2017.
  • Other challenges can be used as well, if you are participating in the Netgalley / Edelweiss challenge or in the COYER challenge, books can count towards more than one challenge, as long as the ones you use for the 2017 New Release Reading Challenge qualify to the other rules.
  • The minimum length for a book to qualify is 100 pages, it can be in any format though, physical, e-book, ARC or audiobook.
  • The New Book Release Challenge is open from January 1st through December 31st 2017, and sign-ups are open until February 15th 2017.
  • You don’t have to be a blogger to participate, you can link to your review on Goodreads or Booklikes instead – so don’t be shy!

  1. 1-30 books per year – New Release Newbie
  2. 31-60 books per year – New Release Pro
  3. 61-100 books per year – New Release Veteran
  4. 101-200 books per year – New Release Enthusiast
  5. 200+ books per year – New Release Obsessed
I'm going for the 1-30 books, New Release Newbie level.  Normally I do a number of book tours during the year, so I should have no trouble reaching that number.  I just need to keep up on my record keeping and cross-referencing, etc.



1.  Every Trick in the Rook by Marty Wingate (pub March 2017)
(more to come)




My 2017 Shelf Love Challenge Sign-up

Shelf Love Challenge 2017

The 2017 ShelfLove Challenge is hosted by Terri at "Second Run Reviews" and Julie and Lynn at "Chapter Break".   Thanks for hosting ladies!


  • 1-10 books: shake hands with your shelves
  • 11-20 books: pat your shelves on the back
  • 21-30 books: give your shelves a warm friendly hug
  • 31-40 books: regular date night with your shelves
  • 41-50 books: my shelves are now my bff
  • 51+ books: my shelves and I are going steady
I'm going for 1-10 books: shake hands with your shelves...because even though I will most likely read more than that...I so need to do better on keeping track of my reads.  Reviews aren't usually the issue.


There are all sorts of other goodies (groups, discussions and a giveaway, etc.) to help you connect with other rabid readers during the year.  Sounds like fun!



1.  The Parting: The Courtship of Nellie Fisher by Beverly Lewis (July 20, 2015)
2.  The Wave at Hanging Rock by Gregg Dunnett (December 17, 2016)
3.  Unknown to History: a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland by Charlotte Mary Yonge (August 26, 2013)
4.  40 Ways to Get Closer to God by Jerry MacGregor (October 10, 2016)
5.  Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer (October 10, 2013)
6.  Perception by Lee Strauss (December 16, 2016)



December 2016/January 2017 (recap 2016/goals for 2017)

I read quite a number of books in 2016 and reviewed most of them.  But I kept bad track on my challenges, etc.  That is my main goal for 2017, to keep better track.  And, since I could read a book a day and not clear half of my e-reader load....I want to make that a priority this next year as well.  My secret, non-official goal is to make 50% of my reading things that are already on my shelf (or e-reader) at this point in time.  Well, we'll see...

Here's my GoodReads TBR list.  It's probably 75%/25% books I have vs books I don't have but want to read someday.

March/April 2017 (top books that have been on your shelf the longest)

1.  Unknown to History:  a story of the captivity of Mary of Scotland by Charlotte Mary Yonge (August 26, 2013)
2.  Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer (October 10, 2013_

June/July 2017 (mid-year check-in)


September/October 2017 (top books/genres you are addicted to)

cozy mysteries, historical fiction

December 2017/January 2018 (recap 2017)


2017 Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge

My Soul Called Life

The 2017 Monthly Keyword Reading Challenge is hosted by Claudia at "My Soul-Called Life".

  • This challenge will run from January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017
  • You can join anytime before December 31, 2017
  • Books must be read and reviewed in 2017
  • You don’t have to be a book blogger to participate! You can track your progress on Goodreads, Shelfari, Booklikes, etc.
  • The book title you choose can be a variation on one of the keywords. Meaning, you can tweak the keywords. For example, your title could include the word ‘snowing’ or ‘snowflake’ even though the key word is ‘snow.’ Further, if the key word is ‘family‘ then your title could include the word ‘sister’ or ‘mother.’ It’s similar to the word game Word Association.
  • Link up below to participate linking your post, Goodreads shelf, Shelfari, Booklies, etc.


January Court, Fall, Of, Way, Deep, Thousand

February And, Rose, Promise, Every, Deception, Blazing

March Shall, Go, By, Silence, Her, Saga

April From, Trigger, Tale, His, CrownMist

May Four, Wind, All, Fury, Days, Shade

June Without, Know, Good, Watch, One, Have

JulyBefore, Final, All, Freedom, Life, Dream

August Sun, Infinite, Big, My, Wherever, Most

September Sand, From, Between, Ever, Reasons, Clash

October Darker, You, Ashes, Out, House, Sea

November Place, War, Heart, Why, Give, Meet

December Forget, Twilight, Only, Crystal, On, Will



January - The Parting: Courtship of Nellie Fisher #1 by Beverly Lewis
Sunborn Rising: Beneath the Fall by ...
40 Ways to Get Closer to God by Jerry MacGregor
Doorway to Deephollow by ..,
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne












2017 Dystopia Reading Challenge

The 2017 Dystopia Reading Challenge is hosted by Claudia at "My Soul-Called Life" and Tracy at "Cornerfolds".  Thanks y'all!

  • This challenge will run from January 1, 2017 – December 31, 2017
  • You can join anytime before November 1, 2017
  • Books must be read and reviewed in 2017
  • Audiobooks, re-reads, short stories, and crossovers are fine
  • You don’t have to be a book blogger to participate! You can track your progress on Goodreads, Shelfari, Booklikes, etc.
  • Sign-up below with your post, Shelfari, Booklikes, etc. and leave a comment letting us know what your personal goal is
  • Link up your reviews each month on the post we’ll provide!

Recruit Badge: Read and review 1-5 dystopian books

Here's an option added for this year's Challenge:

Misc information:

  • March 16th – First Quarter Update
  • June 15th – Second Quarter Update & Giveaway
  • September 14th – Third Quarter Update
  • December 14th – Challenge Wrap-Up & Giveaway
  • January Link-up
1.  Perception by Lee Straus  (sci-fi dystopia YA 1-word title) - (B2-one word title)
2.  The Jakarta Pandemic by Steve Konkoly (B3 - Non-YA)
3.  The Last Survivors by Bobby Adair (G1 - Scary)
4.  Hopebreaker by Dean F. Wilson (steampunk)
5.  The Dawn: Omnibus Edition by Michele Muckley

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Road to Paradise by Paullina Simons - #review

Paperback: 544 pages
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks (November 29, 2016)

Love, passion, and friendship collide on the road trip of a lifetime in this breathtaking novel from Paullina Simons, internationally bestselling author of The Bronze Horseman and Tully.

There’s no telling where a journey will lead you…

Shelby Sloane has big plans for the summer of 1981. She’ll drive cross country in her graduation present—a classic yellow Mustang. In California, she hopes to find the mother who left her behind long ago, and then return East in time to start college. Her childhood friend Gina is desperate to reunite with her boyfriend in Bakersfield and has convinced Shelby to bring her along.

With Gina on board, Shelby’s carefully mapped-out itinerary is quickly abandoned.