Today's prompt: List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self if you could.
1. If you ever drive after drinking, or get into a vehicle where the driver is not sober, I will come back through time and slap you upside the head.
2. Brush your teeth.
3. Spend more time with your Dad. He's not going to be around much longer.
4. Your mother knows more than you think she does.
5. You are better at acting on stage than you think you are.
6. Don't be in a rush on tile floors when you've just come in from the rain. Your tailbone with thank you.
7. Don't walk down hills in flip flops. Take the stairs that are 10 feet away.
8. You are a daughter of God and He only makes the best.
9. The family you and I have without changes to the timeline are a pretty cool bunch.
10. Take more time to pray.
I think a lot of my issues here come down to time management.
The blog is coming along nicely. I had plenty of book reviews/tours last month to keep things hopping. Maybe a few too many. I put time and effort into the reviews and too much of a good thing...is not a good thing. It is also not doing the author/tour companies any favors if I am overbooked. And last, but definitely not least, I don't want to wear my readers out!
I'm involved in the BE Society June Challenge, where a prompt has been provided for each day. Thank goodness for the prompts. I'm also doing Writing 101 from Blogging University. In my first post, "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly", I confused the term free-writing with stream-of-consciousness writing. (I don't think I used (any or many) swear words in it, but be warned, it is not my usual 'style'.)
In May, I stated my intention to turn my 2014 A to Z posts (about Proverbs 31) into an e-book. I was using the "Weekend Writing Warriors" for some accountability, but totally spaced last week. Now I'm wondering if I have been adding all these challenges and activities with the blog to crowd out having to face the e-book issue. What am I afraid of? *sigh*
Well, at least I seem to have the insecurity part down pat! *lol*
That's cool you're turning your posts into a book!
ReplyDeleteThere must be a story behind those flip flops...
Yah, Alex. I left the apartment madder than a wet hen, walked down this hill at the park to go sit by the stream, slipped on my last step and snapped both bones in my left arm just above the wrist. Had to drive myself to the er. They didn't even make me fill out paperwork, just got me in a room and shot me full of morphine. Ouch!
DeleteI'd also share one, eight and ten with myself. My dad was gone before I turned 16. Never doubted my mother's worth. I'd have to add "If you are at a party that is so boring you accept a cigerette, leave the party instead of lighting the cigerette."
ReplyDeleteWhat I read of your Proverbs entries were good! You should ebook them or offer them to a Christian publication. It is on my list to go back and read them all.
Awww...thanks so much for your kind words, Barbara. They made my day! :O)
DeleteThree more and you can be a 13 Thursdayer. I would say floss my teeth for one.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea, Colleen! *putting my thinking cap on*.
DeleteI like #1...we should all listen to that one. Peer pressure makes it tough at that age.
ReplyDeleteI guess we are 'socialized' to cover who we are over with what society and our peers want from us. Thanks for your insight, Stephanie!
DeleteNot enough hours in the day, eh?
ReplyDeleteNever, PL! :O)
DeleteAh, time management, the bane of my existence ;)
ReplyDeleteThere's never enough time in the day to get everything done well.
I hear you, Lynda. I'm not one for chip implants, but if they ever made one for time management, I'd have to give it some serious thought! :O)
DeleteThere's never enough time in a day.
ReplyDeleteIt's great that you're working on an e-book based on your A to Z posts. I'm doing the same thing. I'm working on turning my 2012 A to Z flash fiction posts into an e-book.
I don't think we're the only ones either, Michelle. I read several people's AtoZ posts this year, which were serialized stories.