Monday, April 7, 2014

BOOK TOUR: Lustful Sins by Sonovia Alexander

Sonovia Blog tour FLYER



When Keya man is locked down from proving his love for her and doing the unthinkable, she turns to the streets and fall for a man she thinks is her prince charming. Giving her the attention that she needs and showering her with the best, Keya falls head over heels for her guy. The flip side to the one she thinks she loves turns her world upside down when she finds out who he really is. It is not safe for her or anyone else she holds dear to her.



1.)Who are some of your inspiration in the literary world?
Sister Souljah and Eric Jerome Dickey.

2.)What age did you begin writing?
I started writing at the early age of 7.

3.)Where do you enjoy writing the most, and what do you have to have while you are writing?
I like writing in my living room at my computer enjoying a nice cup of coffee and listening to soft music.

4.)  How would you describe your writing style?
I try to be detailed oriented. I have a unique style and create a vision for the readers where they could actually find something in themselves to relate to what the character is trying to say.

5.)  Which of all of your books is your favorite, and describe your favorite character from the book?
My favorite book is my silent cries series and my favorite character is Man. He was very family oriented and wanted his family to have a good life and he did everything he had to in order to protect his family even if it resulted in some unloyal family members dying.




Sonovia Alexander has become a national best selling author with 10 books out under the company true glory publications. She is not only an author but a mother of 4 children and married and still holding down a full time job in the medical field. Sonovia is 32 years old and releases 3 books a month while still trying to maintain her busy life. Sonovia has a determination to become one of the greatest writers and is looking to become more than just an author, but hopefully to write and direct her first film. Look out for this new author that will work her way into history.







  1. I always appreciate when people post interviews on their blog. It helps others get to know that writer better and inspires them to keep going.

    Hope that you have a GREAT WEEK.
    Pound of Flesh

    1. I love talking with authors about their work! Thanks for the visit, Moonie! :O)

  2. Sorry about the Rafflecopter thingie. I will check and see what happened.

  3. Sounds like an interesting story and a fun read!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Gina! I'm sure the author appreciates it (and so do I)!

  4. hey there. you'd left a comment on a picky post. thanks for the love and the wish for good karma. :]

    1. You are so welcome, Jenn! We all can use a little more of that!

  5. Wow...pretty impressive getting 3 books out a month with a job and 4 kids! What a pleasure to meet Sonovia!

    1. I was wondering that myself, Courtney! She must have boatloads of energy!

  6. Such a prolific writer, and I'm wondering about the male character in this novel. Sounds interesting.

    1. I know, Medeia, I get tired just thinking about that pace! And which male...the guy in jail or the new one who is not what he seems to be? Just curious. :O)

  7. Interesting review. I haven't read this book yet but will look out for it.

    1. That's why I made a book bucket list item to read a book written by a citizen of each UN I can get exposed to writing I normally would not see. Exciting!

  8. Interesting interview..will look out for this read.

  9. Sonovia started writing at the age of 7!! Wow! That is simply impressive!! :)

    1. I was interested in acting (for the stage) at the age of 7. Wish I had stuck with it from that age.

  10. I'm not drawn to this book because of the cover. I'll gladly skip this book.

  11. This sounds like a great read! I am almost finished with my current book, so it's getting time to pick a new one to read.

  12. It's so fun to be able to ask an author questions. I was able to do that on my blog once. It was fun, even though I have known that particular author most of my life. Kathleen @ Fearlessly Creative Mammas
