Saturday, April 5, 2014

#AtoZChallenge - Proverbs 31 and Energy

Energetic - possessing or exhibiting an abundance of energy; powerful in action or effect


13)  She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.

The "Proverbs 31 Woman" appears to be a bundle of energy.  Where does she get it all?  (And can she send me some?)  She maintains her health (insofar as she is able)  That means she gets enough sleep, eats and drinks healthy foods and beverages.  She knows (or can discover) what her purpose is, and does it willingly.  Fulfilling one's purpose gives energy; fighting one's purpose drains energy.

27)  She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

Back in the day, the functioning of a household was the woman's job.  Some consider it still to be so.  Sometimes, today, the lines between the roles of men and women are blurred.  I'm not making a value judgment, simply stating fact.  I believe God loves us regardless of our age, gender, eye color, skin color, level of education etc etc etc.  I believe as long as we are fulfilling our purpose, we are not 'eating the bread of idleness'.  Let's face it.  It's a big world with a lot that needs to be done.  The world needs people with energy of mind, body and soul.

What is your best tip for maintaining your energy?


(thanks to Jeremy @ Being Retro for the original button design, to for the definitions, and to for the ability to customize the graphics.)


  1. Another good post,with food for thought. I need to work on maintaining my energy!!

  2. I need to keep going because if i just do nothing, i am impossible to motivate!

    1. So true, Kate. It reminds me of snow-skiing. I'm fine all day until I get back to the car and loosen my boots. Then I can hardly move!

  3. Great post!
    For me, a positive and productive mindset helps to maintain energy.

    1. Superb idea, Michelle. And so true! And being positive is a lot more fun!

  4. But the bread of idleness tastes SO good!

    1. Especially toasted and slathered with butter and honey, or elderberry jelly. Just make sure you eat enough to fuel you to make the next batch! ;)

  5. A small power nap (10-15 minutes) when I am extra tired and a regular night sleep, keeps me going!!

    1. Also good advice, Shilpa. Maybe I'm in my 2nd childhood or something, but I find I do better in a day to have a little siesta after lunch.

  6. Sleep! I need consistent 8 hrs of sleep! Also try to exercise daily, which seems counter-intuitive (expending all that energy should make me tired...) but when I don't exercise I feel so sluggish and bleh.

    1. I do not even remember the last time I got 8 hours of contiguous sleep. OK. If it involved medicine maybe. And I agree on the exercise angle, the best I ever felt was when I had worked up to doing 45 minutes on a stairmaster 6 days a week. Of course that was 30 years ago.

  7. My best tip is to not stop to rest until you've done. Sometimes I think our bodies want to remain at rest and once you're down, you just don't want to get back up again!

    1. Fantastic advice, Julianne! That is so me. Sometimes I will have a list of little things that need doing that don't take a lot of time or energy. If I know I'm winding down, I'll try to get a couple of those teeny tiny to-do's in, and that has helped me as well.

  8. Energy drinks. And lots of them.
    My wife and I share household duties since she works. But we are looking for her to retire in the next year or two (early.) Even then, I'm sure I will still help.

    1. Good for you Alex! And are you talking like Red Bull or green smoothies or....? :O)

  9. My energy problem seems to be a failure to get started. Once I get started (on homeschooling, housework, blogging, whatever), I seem to be energized. It's the getting started that is difficult.

    Tales of a Pee Dee Mama

    1. That's the way it is with a lot of things, TaMara. I remember there was this rule at my father's work where if they were going to leave an office for 10 minutes or less, they left the lights on, because it would take more energy to get the lights to turn on than just letting them run during that short a time.

  10. I have no energy lately , with one of the longest winters on record this year, im wiped out of energy. If you have extra i will take some kindly my friend..

    1. I'll hunt for some tomorrow on our AtoZ Day Off for Good Behavior. :O)

  11. I completely agree with Shilpa. A nap recharges energy like nothing else.

    1. You know THAT'S on my list for things tomorrow on our day off...TAKE A NAP! Thanks for your comment, Maggie!

  12. I wish I knew what I could do to maintain my energy. Caffeine is good, but only works so long. My exhaustion is taking over. The problem, everything happens all at once in my life it seems.

    Jamie Dement (LadyJai)
    My A to Z Challenge
    Caring for My Veteran

    1. Is there anyway you could get some respite care so you could get some "LadyJai time"? Sending all the best wishes, prayers, karma, anything positive I can muster to you. *HUGS*

  13. Love what you did with the graphic! Totally cool. Energy....I take sublingual B12 each morning. I insist on time to put my feet up and relax when I need it. And I say "no" when someone try's to overload my plate.
    Life & Faith in Caneyhead

    1. What a wonderful example you are, Barbara! I take a multi-vitamin, and try to intersperse times of being on the computer with putting my feet up or doing other activities. It's the just sitting that gets to me. Thank you for your visit!

  14. Good choice on E, LuAnn. This made me laugh: "(and can she send me some?)" If she can, jot me down for a bit, too :D

    And then this resonated: "fulfilling one's purpose gives energy, fighting one's purpose drains enery." So true, LuAnne.

    Thanks for the visit to Quiet Laughter yesterday, and for the great comment you left. Happy Sunday!

    1. Thanks so much for your kind comment, Guilie! I think the farther into the series I get, the more philosophical the posts become.

  15. Getting outside, taking a deep breath and letting the world know I am happy and willing to share. Otherwise maybe a little fly fishing, or a little writing and always a nibble of chocolate helps!

    1. Sounds good to me, maybe except for the fishing part. My FIL dug the kids a pond on his land and stocked it with fish. I actually caught one there, but hubby had to bait the hook. :O)

  16. What a great way to bring to the forefront the power of women and their God given Energy. I so relate to (13) as a seeker and worker with hands. So thankful for my energetic nature which I maintain with attention to (27). Great post for the Letter 'E'.
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

    1. That's so great, Sue! Energy doesn't come naturally to me, so I shall follow your example! You are welcome on the porch any time!
