Around the Table - https://twitter.com/AroundtheTableB
Beneath the Surface: Breath of Faith - https://twitter.com/breathoffaith
Blogging While Nursing - https://twitter.com/kalleyc
Call Me PMC - https://twitter.com/Paula_CallMePMc
Couponing & Cooking - could not find
Create With Joy - http://twitter.com/createwithjoy1
Dear Creatives - https://twitter.com/DearCreatives
Depart the Text - could not find
Hey Mommy Chocolate Milk - could not find
I Heart Pears - https://twitter.com/epears12
Jack’s Paper Moon – could not find
Janine’s Confessions of a Mommyaholic - https://twitter.com/JanineHuldie
Just Winging It - https://twitter.com/jahuston
Learning Lessons in Mummyography - https://twitter.com/Mummyography
Live, Laugh, Love - https://twitter.com/livelaughhlovee
Loy Turns 60 - https://twitter.com/Loyturns60
My Life as an Adventure - could not find
My Fashion Forward Blog - https://twitter.com/mfashforward
Nannahood - https://twitter.com/thenanahood
Naptime Review - https://twitter.com/MarlingJulie
New House, New Home, New Life - could not find
Phyllis Sather - https://twitter.com/butifnot
Raising Figure Skaters - https://twitter.com/raisingskaters
Rich Faith Rising - https://twitter.com/Jen_Avellaneda
Scrapydo - could not find
Self Sagacity - https://twitter.com/selfsagacity
The New Xmas Dolly - https://twitter.com/#%21/XmasDolly
Totally Rachel - https://twitter.com/totally_rachel
And, for your convenience, twittable entries of the above for #FollowFriday. I believe this can also be abbreviated #FF, but since I do not know, I'll do it longhand:
#FollowFriday @AroundtheTableB @breathoffaith @kalleyc @Paula_CallMePMC @CreateWithJoy1 @DearCreatives @epears12 @JanineHuldie
#FollowFriday @jahuston @Mummyography @livelaughhlovee @Loyturns60 @mfashforward @thenanahood @MarlingJulie @butifnot @raisingskaters
#FollowFriday @Jen_Avellaneda @selfsagacity @XMasDolly @totally_rachel
And for those who would rather just RT my above tweets:
OK. I'm tired, my eyes are blurry and I'm going to bed. Any corrections or additions, leave a comment and I'll get to it during the day. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP FRIDAY!
Hope you had a great sleep; and yes on the "PMS", I have always said the same "putting up with men S**t" !
ReplyDeletethanks for visiting~! returning the follow on G+ and GFC have a happy friday ! paula http://www.callmepmc.com/2013/01/paulas-chocolate-chip-cookie-pie.html
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to stop by say hello - I'm your newest follower (returning your follow) and look forward to more visits. Have a great weekend.
ReplyDeleteYup, Cindy, it felt good! Thanks for stopping by the Porch! :O)
ReplyDeleteHey Paula, thanks for that recipe. We already have most of the ingredients and I'm texting hubbie to pick up the rest while he's out!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome any time, Meryl. I enjoyed the balanced review of 2012 in pictures on your blog!
ReplyDeleteI hope you had a nice sleep. I know what it is to feel like you've worn out!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by. I am following you with GFC. Hope you will stop by and visit SelfSagacity.com again soon!
I will be back for sure, Amanda. And I like your idea about the need for more GNOs! :O)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the blog 'plug', LuAnn! And thanks for stopping by my blog.
ReplyDeleteOh thank you LuAnn for following me and so happy to be following back :) :)
ReplyDeleteThat is a lot of great people! Hope you have a great weekend! ;-)