I've had the hardest time coming up with a topic today.
I've got a list of topics for April, due to pre-planning for the "Blogging from A to Z" challenge. (Check back tomorrow for more information on that.) I've also got a list of topics for February (with a theme of "love" - I know. Original. Right?) But today, I've been staring at the two graphics above, trying to figure out something of value to write.
Well, just about half an hour ago, I started thinking of things I could do in 5 minutes or less that would get my mind off a blank page and let my subconscious take over for a few while I was engaged in some fairly mundane task.
So, here's what I came up with, off the cuff:
- nail care (paint, trim, file, etc.)
- exercise (treadmill, jumping jacks, bicep curls ... whatever)
- call a friend
- pay a bill
- pray or meditate
- plan a meal
- answer an email
- take your dog outside.
- wash your vehicle's windshield
- stomp on some aluminum cans for recycling.
Not all earth-shattering, or even game-changing. And I guess the closest I came to actually using one of these was the pray or meditate. I went outside with my notebook and my husband's pen.
It was not as productive a session as yesterday, when reading a blog post about a Valentine's advent calendar inspired me to write a list of 100 occasions for which you could make an "advent calendar". If you've never used a "list of 100" as a journaling technique, I highly recommend it.
My point is that in the process of coming up with a list of things I could to in five minutes to get out of my rut, it occurred to me that writing about the process of getting out of my rut would make a pretty good post!
So, what do you do when the ideas are not coming as fast as you would like? Tell us in a comment. You never know who may need the very idea that you post!
NOTE: I don't know why going to the list changed the text alignment to center. Any ideas? Besides that, I like the way the list shows up when centered. Kind of like a Christmas tree!