Sunday, July 27, 2014

WeWriWa - D is for Dedication

Welcome to another edition of "Weekend Writing Warriors", hosted at the "WeWriWa" blog.  Click the cool graphic I snagged from the site to go there and see how you can join too!


My 8 sentences today are from the "Proverbs 31 - D is for Dedication" entry posted during the "2014 Blogging from A to Z Challenge":

Cooking a meal takes effort; cooking 18,615 meals (3 meals a day x 365 days x 17 years) takes dedication.  Facing danger requires effort; facing danger every day for 730 days during a two-year deployment takes dedication.  Writing one blog post takes effort.  Writing a blog post starting with each letter of the alphabet during a single month takes dedication. ...

When we put forth effort, we receive reward.  Maybe it is money; maybe it is satisfaction at a job well done or from making a difference.  One reward we get from dedication is reputation.  When one cooks a tasty meal, one hears, "That was a great meal!"  When one cooks 18,615 tasty meals, we hear, "You are a wonderful cook!"


What people or things in life have earned your dedication?  Have any suggestions, critiques, compliments?  Comment below; I comment back! :O)


  1. Aw, lovely little post! WeWriWa has given me something quite fun to be dedicated to. I love sharing my writing, and getting responses from others, so I can hone my craft. I also like being able to help others with their writing. : )

    1. Thanks, Millie, and welcome to the porch. You certainly do seem dedicated to WeWriWa. I really appreciated the links to previous posts on your blog to allow me to catch up on the story!

    2. Oh - you did the math. I don't think I want to know how many meals I've cooked (or burnt!)
      Fabulous little thought provoking snippet.

    3. Glad you followed. I've found so many helpful folks here, many I now deem my friends, though we're miles apart. It's nice to connect with other writer's.

  2. This is a nice post, LuAnn. :-) Are you going to publish this as a little devotional daybook? Or are you making it something much larger? I can see these posts as food for thought--a new writing for each day of the year. :-) Good snippet. :-)

    1. My idea was to turn it (along with the A-C and E-Z entries) into an e-book...probably a giveaway. Thanks for asking, Teresa!

  3. Interesting thought, excellent examples. Enjoyed your post!

  4. Nice--don't think I caught that one on A to Z.

    1. With a gazillion participants, Sue Ann, it's nearly impossible to catch everything on the A to Z! :O)

  5. Thanks for visiting, Victoria! Funny you should mention burning meals...but I've done my share for the year in the last week, I think! :O)
