Sunday, May 18, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors-A is for Altruism

I found the link to WeWriWa (Weekend Writing Warriors) on Sue Ann Bowling's "Homecoming Blog".  You share an 8-sentence snippet of your writing between Saturday at noon and Sunday at 9 a.m. (unsure which time zone as this is my first time), link it up at the site connected to the button above, and share reading, comments and critiques with the other participants.  Join in!


Back in April, I participated in the "Blogging from A to Z  Challenge" wherein I wrote a post every day but Sundays during the month, the first starting with "A", the second with "B" and so on. This year, I wrote around the theme of "Proverbs 31".  As it is my intent to compile and rework these posts into an e-book, I thought that would be a good subject for my first foray with the Weekend Writing Warriors!

So here are my eight sentences for this week, from my post on "Altruism":

These are the people we know - our family, our friends.  We get up early to make them breakfast, we stay up all night with them when they are sick.  We drive across town to give them a ride when their car is not working.

It's not a matter of time, talent, or money.  Everyone has something they can give or do to make someone else's life a little better - today! Maybe it's a meal for a homeless family.  Maybe it's money for a cause or arts organization.  Maybe it's a kind word to someone who has had a hard day.

Every single person reading this post, every single blogger participating the the A to Z Challenge, every single person in the world can do something to make the world a little better ... for everybody.
I realize the first sentence sounds a little strange as is.  In the original posts, I quoted a couple of verses from Proverbs 31:10-31 before the 1st and 2nd samples.  Should I include them from now on (for the Warriors posts)?  Any other thoughts or suggestions?

Have a great week, y'all!


  1. Nice, LuAnn. I wouldn't change a thing and what a great idea!!

    1. Thanks, Nan! I appreciate your visit and your comment! :O)

  2. Hi LuAnn, I think this is a great idea for a book. :-)

    Glad to have you join us! If you sign up on the linky list (it's easy) it will help people to find your weekly wewriwa post. The list is here: Weekend Writing Warriors

    There is a new list posted each week on Monday morning. The list for today is already closed. But, tomorrow morning, you can sign the list for next Sunday. :-)

    1. Thanks Teresa, I appreciate the heads up! I just found out about the whole thing about an hour previous to my comment on your blog, so it was all rushed and everything. Next week will be better!
