Saturday, May 24, 2014

Weekend Writing Warriors (#8sunday) - Being Bold

I found the link to WeWriWa (Weekend Writing Warriors) on Sue Ann Bowling's "Homecoming Blog".  You share an 8-sentence snippet of your writing between Saturday at noon and Sunday at 9 a.m. (unsure which time zone as this is my first time), link it up at the site connected to the button above, and share reading, comments and critiques with the other participants.  Join in!


Here are my eight sentences for the week, from my #atozchallenge post on "Proverbs 31 and Being  Bold":

25) Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

This thing we call life is not a kiddie ride at the amusement park.  It takes strength of body and/or soul.  As I read this verse, I think of an ancient soldier getting ready for war by putting on his armor.  Having that protection, whether it be armor or honor or prayer, can help us lunge into the fray with BOLDNESS.

27.  She looketh well to the ways of her household, and eateth not the bread of idleness.

Why do you think financial professionals always talk about having a six-month cushion of savings?  Why are 'prepper' shows so popular?  Because sometimes, you-know-what happens and if you are prepared for the future (insofar as you are capable), you can act take care of yourself and your family BOLDly even if that same stuff hits the fan.
What inspires you to be bold (even when you're not totally feeling it)?  Thanks for stopping by.  Feel free to leave a link in your comment to your #8sunday post! 


  1. I really like this idea, LuAnn--publishing a book made from your A to Z posts. It'll be a nice spot of inspiration:-)

    I don't know what makes me bold (when I'm bold). I guess I was just raised that way. There's a time for it, and a time not. I reckon it takes grace to figure out which. :-)

    Wecome to the official Weekend Writing Warriors. :-)

    1. Thanks Teresa, I value your input. And what a great idea for a link-up!

  2. I loved this, "Having that protection, whether it be armor or honor or prayer, can help us lunge into the fray with BOLDNESS."... so true and so profound too! :)

    1. I can remember a few times in my life when I'm pretty sure prayer was the only armor available (not that i was not honorable, but in those situations, honor wasn't really a factor).

  3. Welcome to the Warriors! an interesting post indeed....

    1. Thanks, Veronica! I think we all hope we'll never have to be in a 'battle' (whatever that means for each person) but it would sure be nice to be ready and able if that day every comes.

  4. Glad to see you here.

  5. Welcome to Weekend Writing Warriors. I don't know if I'd be called bold...outgoing yes, cheerful yes, sometimes even a little over the top. And what makes me that way? Just the way I was raised I guess : )

    1. Bold is not just what happens on the front pages of world newspapers. Sometimes bold happens in our everyday circumstances. Sounds like you have some wise parents! :O)

  6. Thanks for having the link on your blog, Sue Ann, so I could follow the way. :O)

  7. Appreciate your thoughts. Time with the Lord helps embolden me. Sounds like you have that going for you as well. God bless, Maria @ Delight Directed Living

    1. You're right, Maria. I know I would not be here without Him.

  8. A great message. Many situations call for boldness. I have to muster it to survive situations and toughen up.

  9. Interesting ideas. As for boldness, there are opportunity you just have to jump on.
