Sunday, February 1, 2009

I Have a Dream ... Too

This post is inspired by Selena's "Are You a Dreamer" entry at Blissfully Domestic.

I actually first read Selena's post last night, and I needed to put on my thinking cap for a while. At first my dreams didn't seem big enough. Then I thought ... our dreams are what we need as individuals to grow from where we are to a world where our dreams are realities.

So, onto my dreams:

I dream of a world where no children go to bed cold or hungry (including my own).

I dream of a world where 'common' sense and 'common' courtesy are the rule ... and not the exception.

I dream of a world where people who are 'different' are treated with respect and as equals.

I dream of a world where people actually take the time to stop and smell the roses.


  1. I share the dreams that you have listed here. I dream that the world would become a better place.

    Diva Fabulosa
    Life of Filipina Blogger
    D' Pinay Blogger

  2. Grrr. lost my first comment (It was a good one, too! LOL) Your situation at work must be the most frustrating part of working on your field. I'm afraid it would be beyond my capability to bite my tongue (I really am 48% evil! Haha)
    Thorne's World
