Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blog Action Day 08: POVERTY

One of's definitions of "poverty" is:

1. the state or condition of having little or no money, goods, or means of support; condition of being poor; indigence.

For those who have never been there, it is hard to imagine. A lot of attention goes to developing nations (as is only fair) as they have not had the opportunities available to those peoples in "First World" countries. It is my belief that it is an important responsibility of the "haves" to assist the "have nots"...whether you call it blessing others as you have been blessed, karma, keeping the juice flowing around the universe, or whatever.

What about the "have nots" in developed countries? What about those on welfare, receiving Food Stamps? Have they squandered their opportunities in selfish pursuits? Maybe some have, but I would say the majority have not. Lack of equal opportunity abounds, no matter where you are.

For those who live in poverty, it's hard to imagine anything else. And, speaking from personal experience, that sucks.

So, how do we level the playing field? While looking around at what information there was on the internet about "poverty" most of it tied the condition of poverty to education and employment. And for a long-term solution to the poverty problem, improving a person's, region's, country's education and employment levels is essential. These are the bigger problems that belong on governmental desks.

What can one neighborood do? What good is the work of one family towards ending poverty? Surely the efforts of one person won't make a dent in this epidemic.


I can speak something to poverty in Kentucky. Feel free to translate this call to action into your own locality-ese. :)

According to a report released by The Working Poor Family Project:

Percentage of working families that are low-income — 30 percent in Kentucky. A low-income working family is defined as a family earning less than 200 percent of the poverty income threshold in 2006, which was $41,228 for a family of four.

Gee, my family fits into that category. Go figure. We're actually closer to the poverty level than we are to the "low-income" benchmark. I say that not to elicit pity, but just throwing it into the mix as an example.

Statistics from, dated 2007, rank Kentucky in the top fifth for highest poverty rates for the general population and children. Sadly, when looking at our elderly citizens, Kentucky ranks highest in the US for percentage of this demographic in poverty.

Later today, or possibly tomorrow, I will make a Thursday Thirteen list on my meme blog, BluegrassGal's Weblog, of actions individuals can take to lessen or eradicate poverty-related hunger in their area. (You see, I share a computer, and I am going to work later on, from 3-11 pm EST, taking care of adults with mental retardation and developmental disabilities. ) I hope to see you in the bluegrass by tomorrow. *lol*


  1. This really puts thing into perspective for me. I need to appreciate what I do have more. Very inspiring post.

  2. Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving your comments and I respect your opinion too and I understand your concerns.

    There are some who abuse the system and that kills me too. Each has their story all I mean to say was if there is a will there is a way.

  3. Hello:

    Just dropped by to let you know that I've begun writing again:

  4. hello Lu!

    this is a good post. and i totally agree that poverty comes from unemployment. we lived poor for like a month or so because both me and my hubby were unemployed after the move from FL to MN. and believe me it isn't that easy. we managed not to rely on food stamps coz we don't want to put our hopes down.

    after my husband got a job, everything seemed to ease a little bit. got our own apartment and we can afford short trips and vacations.

    if one is just hardworking and there is available jobs, poverty will just be a temporary stage.

  5. In my country, 90% are under the poverty level, 9% middle class and the remaining 1% rich.

    The strange thing is, sometimes those below the poverty level and the middle class doesn't have much difference- they simply get jobs just for their basic needs.
